Most people would say that practising any religion is better than not......

by JH 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flipper

    JH- I guess I'm not like most people then . I feel that practicing any religion is worse than not having them around at all ! Most all of them require their members to be mind and thought controlled , answer to pontificating bastard authority figures who don't know any better than us how to be a " normal " human being or respectful of others . Last time I checked, the pope or anybody else still bleeds red when they get cut. It doesn't spill out gold . I concur with John Lennon's thoughts of "Imagining " a world with " no religion too! " Many hateful things as well as wars , unneeded prejudices , mind control , financial control, and loss of free will has happened in the name of " religion".

    Certainly people have their choice to choose as they want, I respect that . But for me and my wife, we say, No Thanks. We are doing fine

  • JH

    My dad never was a JW. I was the only one in my family to have fallen for this religion. Nevertheless, my dad was a believer. He died last year. Anyways, he felt as if he had to get closer to God, in order to live again. That's why when he saw that I had no more interest in religion, although he knew I was a believer, he suggested that I go to another religion, maybe the "Baptists" like my sister, which I didn't want to do.

    That's where he said, "If you don't want to join any other religion, then go back to the JW's".

    His reasoning was: Any religion is better than none.

  • JH

    Usually when someone believes in God, they tend to want to belong to a particular faith........

    Do you agree with this assertion?

  • flipper

    I feel that belief in God or what someone considers " God " can be done on their own without a religion, with a belief system built up within their own heart and faith in themselves and a personal relationship with God. I feel people use organized religion as a crutch to lean on so they don't have to use their minds and do any critical thinking . It is easier to put ones brain into neutral and let some religious group control it

  • KenseiShimonzu

    I look at religion much differently these days....To me,it's like,no matter where you decide to go,you will be following some man's idea/POV about how he thinks your relationship with "God" should be...last time i checked,"God" didn't like that sorta thing..following man and all,at least that's what i gleaned from that scripture in Jeremiah...

    So if he didn't mean for "man to rule over man",then it doesn't make sense that he would give only a few select people,TRUE information so that they could LEAD other men in an organized belief system. IMO that's contradictory to "having your OWN relationship with God",because your relationship is dependent on what someone else thinks is acceptable to God,NOT what God himself,has told you personally that he wants from you

  • writetoknow

    I think it is a misstake to single out one group when human reality is that people seek groups for support religious or otherwise.

    It is through groups that things get done that is the fact of human history. The question for any person is what do you stand for?

    If you are apart of any group will you compromise what you believe in to support the group?

  • daniel-p

    Edit, double post

  • daniel-p

    Usually when someone believes in God, they tend to want to belong to a particular faith........

    Do you agree with this assertion?

    Yes, I suppose I do agree. Although I'm not sure why it holds true. Personally, I find my state of agnosticism much more comforting and fulfilling than if I were to allign myself with whatever paradigm I felt I fit into. With all my heart, I hope there is a loving Being out there. However, if I were to construct a personage - especially one based on literary tradition - it would seem to devalue whatever reality that Being actually entails. As long as I keep belief an open door of possibilities, my hope remains secure and I remain secure within it. A beautiful, silent, snow-covered path remains perfect in itself as long as I don't trample it with my footprints. May God exist in such a place and understand why I don't tread down the path.

  • writetoknow

    Very nicely put!

  • AllTimeJeff

    I have heard this to. "Better to believe in something religious in nothing at all because......"

    (crickets in background, a faint siren wails, a wolf cries at the moon...)

    Ok, a little melodramatic, but the point is that thiests still believe that there is gold at the end of the rainbow. No evidence that the gold is there. And of course, religious "truth" with its "salavation" is as transitory as trying to trap a rainbow.

    Athiests/agnostics are discriminated against. Because the majority of thiests are in superstitious fear and offended at having to produce evidence and logical thinking for their statements and beliefs, they often turn to platitudes and sweeping statements that are designed to turn off critical thinking. (that statement isn't directed at anyone in particular, and if you are a thiest, please know I mean no offense to you personally)

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