What was the first mean/unjust thing you saw as a JW that affected you?

by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.Crusoe

    This is a general observation and maybe unique to me - but I suspect not. When I threw myself into JW life, fresh outa my teens, with baby and a newly converted wife (baptized together), I expected to be making very close friends amongst these people claiming to be unique amongst humans in their fruits of gods spirit. So as time went by and I wasn't bonding with anyone in particular whilst my ex wife was doing very nicely, I became utterly perplexed. And so I read more and more to see if I needed to adjust myself in some way to be more accepted and feel I belonged amongst them. The lifers always spoke but getting close to them seemed impossible and in retrospect maybe their view of me was not so accepting as I was of them. Now this same atmosphere established itself in my marriage and I tell you a truth when I say I can't recall a single conversation I ever had with my ex which involved her reasoning with me (20yrs) in ways which displayed a concern for my feelings, in spite of my ravenous appetite for stimulating debate at an emotional/ intellectual level! I was just a worker ant! I look back and don't get it! I think the only close up and personal friend any hardcore JW can have is the WTBTS literature. I think they fear genuine human bonding - now that is mean and cruel but only my perspective as I'm aware.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


    Really bad gossip in the field ministry. Pioneers no less.

    After that I ended up just finding one person to go out in service with because I didn't want to hear the gossip.

    It ticked me off and came across as so mean and unloving.

  • 5go

    A sister used a watchtower to prove hear point about how an elderette was doing some thing wrong. Which lead to her being removed as a pioneer. Then two weeks later she ran away and married a worldy co worker then was DFed. That in it's self wasn't what bothered me it was how they treated her sister that I had feeling for.

  • yknot

    When I moved to a new KH, an Elder from the platform began giving a talk about how evil children were in these times. I was a child. I had been raised to expect persecution from the "world", not by Elders and a congregation.

    The talk ended, but it's message lasted......


  • tinker

    There have been many but the day my father was disfellowshipped was the most painfull up to that point. My dad was an 'unbeliever' but very supportive and loving toward my mom's JW beliefs. In 1958 he took our whole family from Calif to NYC for the Internation Convention at Yankee Stadium. The 'spirit' got to him and he suddenly announced that he was getting baptized. He had never been to a meeting, no Bible study, nothing. We returned home and he went to a few meetings but because he was a very shy and reserved man he stopped going. Over the years he continued to be very supportive toward us and our ministy. He also contributed $$ very generously.

    Years passed, his health was bad and in 1979 he had heart surgery. He requested no blood out of respect for us and his doctor agreed to his wishs but things went bad and the doctors began to pressure him to take blood. He resisted for several days. He was barely coherent and we even kissed him goodby because they said he would not make it through the night. We went home to wait for the call to tell us he had passed. No call came and we returned to the hospital in the morning to see him awake and feeling better. What happened? The hospital chef administrators came and pressured him into accepting blood. He was very near death, in pain and desperate.

    We were very upset. Any normal family would have been thanking God but Nooo we were JW and oh the Shame!!! Of course the elders came around sometime later and my mother told them about the B l o o d. They formed a commitee and within a short couple weeks they DF'd him. gawdamm religion The man was NEVER a witness in the first place. He got dipped in the Atlantic Ocean along with 2000 other zealots of the moment.

    I was hearbroken and remember crying and screaming out loud to Jehovah...Why? How could this happen to the dearest man. He was at the weakest point of his life, was there no mercy or grace to cover his mistake.

    There is much more I could write but to this day, it's one of my most painful experience. My father could not attend my wedding and years later upon his death, we held no memorial service for him. He really died the day the cult marked the DF on him.

  • Dagney


  • greater_freedom

    Within a year and half of my 16 yr old sons death from a car accident that left my 18 yr old blind and paralysed, the elders said its been long enough, get over it. (not getting enough service or missing too many meetings) I told them if it were they're sons, I would be over it. That was the begining of the end! Thanks brothers.

  • *summer*


  • JK666

    The first mean or unjust thing? Man, there were so many over the years! A stroll down memory lane reveals one when I was very young though.

    When I was 8 or 9, I had a friend in the congregation that was morbidly obese. This was back when congregations had those little wooden folding chairs that were so ungodly uncomfortable. Anyway, in this old Hall (a converted house that had chairs stuffed in every nook and cranny) they had these little chairs crammed in every imaginable place. I sat next to my friend at the meeting, and because of his weight, he took up more space than the chair he sat on, and leaned against me during the meeting. After the meeting was over, the overseer called us in the backroom and accused us of things that I didn't understand at the time. He basically accused us of being homosexual. I WAS ONLY 8 YEARS OLD! F***ING PERVERT!


  • Warlock
    I told them if it were they're sons, I would be over it. That was the begining of the end! Thanks brothers.


    Nice shot!


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