What was the first mean/unjust thing you saw as a JW that affected you?

by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • tinker

    Thanks Summer

    Thanks Dag. ayk, I am leaving out lots of details for time sake. I don't usually like to bring up the 'bad times' but sometimes it is important to show the WTBS for who they are. The DF arrangement is a death sentence.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    When I was 15 my dad was DF'd because he worked for a company that also made military equipment, he had been working for the same company for 20 years before that, everyone in our old kingdumb hall knew where my dad worked, not only that but others worked there as well, we moved to a different city very far away from where we lived before, and where the majority was white, my dad a dark hispanic looked very different than the other brothers in the hall, but I think what pissed them off was my dad made a lot more than everyone else in the hall, the kingdumb hall was poor white people, my parents had a huge 6 bedroom house my dad drove a brand new Cadillac, not saying my dad was rich, but he grew up poor, and when he could afford nice things he would splurge on them. I guess that pissed off the bro's in the hall because they DF'd him and told him that the only way he could be re-instated is if he quit his job. They told him that living on welfare was more right in jehovah's eye than working for a company making military parts.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Oh I had already left the Dubs when this happend but I knew about it, My sister married to the perfect little dub, he use to beat the crap out of her, the bro's asked her what she was doing to make him mad, they told her to be a better wife, you know food ready when he gets home, stay clear out of his way when he is upset, blah, blah, blah, when she left him they DF'd her for a bit.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Elder's son in my hall, he was 16 at the time, I was about 13, his son didn't want to be a JW anymore so his loving and understanding father kicked him out of the house, he slept in a car behind dominos pizza down the street from my house, till friends took him in. The elders other son the good upstanding JW, who talked of going to bethel and serving where the need was great, and someday become a good little elder like his daddy, came out of the closet about 7 years ago and last I heard living in west Hollywood.

  • *summer*

    This is a great thread!

    Very touching stories. Must be very difficult for all of you to go down memory lane:-(

    But if it opens the eyes of only one lurker, it will all be worth it!

    Blessings to all...


  • Cicatrix

    A couple were caught "fornicating" when the woman got pregnant. They were both disfellowshipped. The man was reinstated a year and a half before his wife.

  • *summer*


    Why was the man reinstated one year and a half before his wife?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Nope, most elders only care about politics, not the people.

  • 4mylove

    I have never been a jw but my hubby was raised and is now inactive.

    Wasn't even asked to walk his mother down the aisle at baby sisters wedding because of this fact even though he is the oldest. I just thought he would be the appropriate person for this job.

    Younger brother in law was automatically told to walk with mom.

    My hubby is an excellent son. Financially, emotionally, and yes even spiritually.

    bunch of assholes!!

    Sorry for answering as a non jw but couldn't help it.


  • Cicatrix


    That's what I wondered at. There was no explanation given. It was an "equal" crime, but different punishments. Don't know if it had any bearing, but HIS mother was a pioneer, and her mother was not (and was married to an "unbeliever").

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