Why, why and why

by spiritboi 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • spiritboi

    Thanks Gopher for your answers. You not only answered by questions but also make me realise why all my post were in a mess. I did not check the auto CR/LF box. From your answers, it seems like you have succeeded in undoing WT's brain-washing.I do not believe that the bible is true completely. But what is your view on the prophecies concerning the last days as recorded in Matt 24 and don't know 1st or 2nd Timothy chapter 3? My girlfriend who is a JW kept on nagging at me concerning the fulfillment of these prophecies. And I always answered "the sun is still very bright. It haven't darkened!"

  • Rosalee

    2) About a third of the angels rebelled. They chose to follow Satan rather than obey God. Of course they saw the results of disobediance and still chose a bad coarse. They did what they did with full knowledge of the outcome ... as did Adam. (free choice)

    This also shows a good argument against predestination.

    5) No, spirit creatures cannot be good if they disobey God. They do often blind the hearts of unbelievers though.

    6) Jehovah refused to answer Saul ... he did not provide the spirit medium.

    7) False prophets are allowed in this time as was foretold. It is up to each of us to make the right decision and live with it. It is also a time of great ingathering of those who trust in Jehovah. His faithful followers will not be disappointed.

    Got this out of order ... but questions 3,4 and 9 are irrelevent to me.

    8) The path to life is narrow because only a small percentage of faithful man will endure. It takes much effort to gain the prize ... what better prize could there be?

    10) Satan taunted Jehovah that Job only worshipped him because he had such a good life. Job's faithfulness is a fine example for all of us ... especially since Job did not know about the test he was under. Being enlightened now as to Satan's attacks, we are forewarned.

  • Gopher

    Hi Spiritboi,

    And welcome again to the forum! I was raised in the JW organization, and stayed in it up until age 39 (about 7 years ago). The elders did me a favor and disfellowshipped me (even though I didn't deserve it, based on any actions), so then for the first time I had a chance to look at the whole situation I was in, and after doing enough reading I knew I couldn't ever go back!

    I'm glad you're open to the search for your answers. That's the most important thing: thinking things through objectively and reaching your own conclusions. Whether my answers become yours is not the crucial point here.

    You asked about end-times prophecy found in the New Testament. Ever since the Bible became widely available due to the printing press, every generation has seen people who are CERTAIN that the end time prophecies applied in their lifetime. One famous example was William Miller (of the Adventists) in 1844, who gathered people for the rapture which HAD to be then. It continued with others, including CT Russell who founded the Watchtower. He was certain that the end times began in 1844, and that the world would end in Armageddon in 1914. Since then, there have prophecies both inside and outside the JW's stating that the end was CERTAINLY near, including 1975 with the JW's. All those have passed and gone. And more prophecies will be made, using the Bible as their source, and they too will fail.

    Many of the things you find in the Matthew 24 and 2 Timothy 3 prophecies have been happening for century after century. If you want to pick a century that looked like "the end times", you could look at the 14th century with plagues and warfare to the maximum extent possible at that time. As people get older, some look very skeptically at the "attitudes" of the younger generation and also look back at the past as if it were perfect (how easily they forget). This has been happening for a very long time.

    Actually, mankind has made many advancements scientifically, technologically and socially since even the beginning of the 20th century. The world isn't perfect, but you could say we're in a very good time to live right now, compared to dark ages / medeval times.

  • Rosalee

    Dagney ... the proof that Adam and Eve were created perfect is that Jehovah is perfect and cannot create anything imperfect.

  • Gopher

    Spiritboi -- I sent you a PM here. Just click on Inbox up above and you can read it.

  • BFD
    Dagney ... the proof that Adam and Eve were created perfect is that Jehovah is perfect and cannot create anything imperfect.

    This can be found at Rosacircle 1:1



  • Dagney
    This can be found at Rosacircle 1:1

    I was wondering where it was since I didn't find it in my NWT.

    Thanks BFD.

  • spiritboi

    "the proof that Adam and Eve were created perfect is that Jehovah is perfect and cannot create anything imperfect." This verse can also be found in wierdgod 1:1. Scripture can most probably be found in the book of FDS. Jehovah is rather wierd. He has created something perfect but still see the need to test it! Any engineers here? Will you claim your product perfect before testing it? Any normal guy will only say its product perfect AFTER it pass all tests!!!!! Gopher, thanks for your advice in the PM and also your answers regarding the prophecies in matt 24 and tim 3.

  • delilah
    This can be found at Rosacircle 1:1


  • spiritboi

    hey, why are my post still clumming together with no spacing? I have already check the auto cf box!

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