Legal or Religious decisions

by wha happened? 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles
    I had an issue sometime ago when my ex wife was suing me and family members while she was trying to get reinstated. The answer from the legal dept annoyed the elders in my cong because they knew it was manure, but they followed it anyways. I mentioned this as a point of empathy, not to say I told u so. He agreed and understood what I went through.

    Hmm! suing you and family members? interesting? I hope your friend is not too hurt about these other elders who are abusing their authority! When he told you this what did you say to help him?

  • monophonic

    couldn't tell you how many racist comments among the elders and MSs as jokes, in all white halls against blacks, in all black halls against whites.

    sounds like your experience was just another blown out of proportion bs political 90% of the decisions in jws, more political, legally motivated that having any real biblical motivation behind it, though they like to pretend this lil' scripture here is the reason.

    hopefully your friend sees through the mistreatment and gts out.

  • moomanchu

    Curious, what exactly could she sue the WT for ? and what the dollar amount could possibly be?

    The WT is concerned about one thing only $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    btw I get a kick out of your username, I hear it regularly.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    thats what we said. What could she sue for? He contacted several lawyers and they all laughed. As I stated to a buddy of mine, this is such a corporate decision void of religion. Hopefully my buddy gets it

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    OK Update. I spoke with him this weekend and he says he has some anger issues to work out over this. I agreed that he has every reason to be angry and I am now afraid for him. The Borg is about to commit a crime of spiritual amputation. My buddy was surprised but wanted an explanation. I stated that for just about any limb there is a prosthetic. However for the spirit there is none. Once the brothers amputate his spirit he will have no desire to ever serve again. There is no helper or prosthetic to help him now. He will be forever jaded. The Society always seems to remove those who are best at what they do and replace them with incompetent company men.

  • bikerchic
    I stated that for just about any limb there is a prosthetic. However for the spirit there is none. Once the brothers amputate his spirit he will have no desire to ever serve again. There is no helper or prosthetic to help him now. He will be forever jaded. The Society always seems to remove those who are best at what they do and replace them with incompetent company men.

    This might well be the best thing to happen to this guy and his ticket out and to real freedom! I do understand how frustrating it must be for him but honestly all his joking around in a "racist" way was eventually going to come back and bite him some time. That's just my .02 on how ones actions eventually get ya.

    I know of situation in my old Congregation where the PO was involved with a sister who worked for him. It got found out and she turned around and filed a sexual harassment suit against him and his company. The District Overseer was brought into the JC and he was told to pay her off to get her to drop the suit. He did, she did, and that was that........That was also my beginnings of seeing the other side of the brotherhood. They proved to be just as corrupt as any other religious organization.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    are u really in Aruba?

  • ush419

    Typical of the society and the gutless elders.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Update on an old thread.

    Buddy is still waiting to be re-appointed. There's been a CO change and the new CO wants answers from the elders. Bottom line is there are two elders who are convinced he's a racist and won't back down. The CO has been nudging the brothers to deal with it.

    So I look at my friend and ask, "what are u trying to accomplish here? Do u think u are going to fix everything and then we can roll credits on this happy ending?" He keeps stating that eventually these things work themselves out and all he needs is another brother with some balls to stand up. I told him not in that cong. They have appointed 1 elder there, (and they got rid of him), and 2 servants in the last 10 years. They control who gets appointed and they won't appoint anyone with a different viewpoint as theirs.

    He keeps getting stuck in a circular argument about waiting on Jehovah. I suggested as a joke to get re-appointed and then move his cards to a new cong.He laughed but then he went on about how happy he's been spending the extra time with his family. I shrugged my shoulders and asked why he wanted to screw that up.

    Anyways he's still fighting this and I felt bad for him. I saw this with another XJW who was serving as an elder and he lost confidence in the theory of this organization being led by holy spirit. I think I see some doubt in my friend now as well.

    Well before I left I mentioned that it's good that all these elder appointments are by holy spirit otherwise who knows where we would be in all this.

  • Bubblie

    Appointed by Holy Spirit my a$$! We have all seen good elders get run over by the sucky ones. We have heard stories about the elders meetings where they gang up on someone and NO ONE stands up for the one being torn down. We have seen the down trotten when they return to meeting and then he won't even get called on for a wt answer. It smells big time to see this happening to your friend. Hope he sees it for what it really is, keep us posted. Give him a nudge towards the outside if possible.


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