I was a witness from 1974 until I left in 2005. My husband was an elder and both of us auxilary pioneered and regular pioneered for years. He left first then me. He wants to get a divorce now, since we have been married a long time and he would like to be on his own. We were young in our twenties when we married. I am dealing with this new situation. I have been trying to find out what I want to be when I grow up since I left the dubs. Hope I can decide before too long. My divorce was final on July 30, 2008. Pretty good for finding out the end of May. Since, we have lived in the same house without sharing a bedroom for years that was the easy part. Now to live alone in another city is my next adventure. The part I miss the most is the friendship with someone who knew me and the love we shared for so long. Moving on without a mate isn't as easy as I thought it would be but I going to be a stronger woman because of it. He has another life with someone else all ready, so I will make myself get along without him, even if I don't want to do it.