Legal or Religious decisions

by wha happened? 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Oh my sarcasm is quite clear to him. He knew what I was getting at and he had no response. And I'm not afraid of saying anything to this guy. One thing that was cool with him though was even when he was serving, the details of our conversations never went any further.

    He's really pushed me towards going back, but everytime we talk about it, he has less nice things to say about the organization, and I have more logical reasons why I should never go back.

    It's a tough thing for those raised in it. He will eventually have to turn his back on a lifetime of work and that's a bitter pill to swallow. His family goes back a ways and they are all JW. He has a few inlaws that are out.

    BTW Bubbie u are right. The elders stopped even calling on him at the meetings. They took all priviledges away. So when the CO came down they complained about his lack of activity and his low hours in service. He says he puts in 2-3 hours above the national avg. He's even approached the elder that has a problem with him to work out in service. The elder agreed and then stood him up.

    I just wish he would stop putting effort into something that I really look at as a bowl dog crap covered in whipped cream

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?


    This brother stayed at the congregation. The CO found out he was sorta duped and then revealed that although the elders in his hall asked my buddy to resign which he did, the letter that went back to NY said removed.

    So another CO visit and guess what, he is still not recommended like they promised way back whenever. The CO gets heated, everyone compromises and he's an MS. So much for appointed by holy spirit. This was appointment by who had the hardest nuts.

    I ask my buddy. "Why, Why are u empowering these geeks. Leave!"

    HIs response? "I don't want to leave and get appointed elsewhere so they can say my firends helped me."

    Well I'm like wow, friends helping friends. How demonic. Where are the pitchforks and torches?

    I keep going to him and telling him to stop empowering them. Once u leave they can't do sqwaut. Finally I asked him if his decision to stay and tough it out is helping his family. His wife wants to leave like yesterday.

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