I have found something truly horrific.

by cultswatter 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    The cop will never catch him hopping on one foot.

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    What is that horrendous looking creature under the flower vase or pot in the jewelry store? And, if it's not a creature, what is it? It looks like its staring at him. Does anyone else see what I'm talking about?

    VASE/ necklace / plate / necklace

    box of earrings/ watch(?)

    round picture frame/ rectangle picture frame

    small frame / small frame NECKLACE



    Hey, Where do you see something, in relation to the items? I can now make out eyes, and a mouth, in the guys hair, toward the right. Right above the ear (sideways ) Kinda looks like a pagan jack-O-lantern.

  • erynw

    If I squint my left eye and hold my right eye open with my fingers, and tilt my head sideways, I swear I see Elvis right near the building in the back. It looks like...he just....left...the building. How weird is that?

  • IP_SEC

    heavens to mergatroids!!! I am truely horrified at the superstitious worrying about symbols of paganism.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Elvis Is that a pool hall he is leaving?

  • Quandry

    Maybe, just maybe, the "policeman" is not what he seems. Perhaps he is a...... pod person.... from another planet, out to get the man that is running......so the man, with all his valuables, is running because he does not want to become a victim of the body snatcher.......well, it could be....

  • blueviceroy

    I dunno the whole picture creeps me out

  • hubert

    So Cultswatter, you started this post. Are you going to tell us what you found that is truly "horrific", or are you gonna leave us hangin'?


  • cultswatter

    I want to do a quality report but have been so busy with other things that I can't get enough time do a 12 hour stint on the computer. I have already got some photoshop work done but need a few more details

  • besty

    cultswatter - you could swatmorecults if you weren't spending 12 hours on the computer photoshopping scans



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