greetings fellow apostates!

by SethMo 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    No problem Tyrone.

    The “stealth” programming of minds is the key to cult development for both the “born into’s” as well as the “conned into’s”. The average Mormon is as unaware of the programming process being used on them when they are in their religion, as the average JW is.

    They are just two of the many modern day American religions using a stealth as well as a bait and switch approach to sucker their people in and along. They both fly under the “freedom of religion” radar screen set up by many countries so they actually get away with murder.

    Thanks to idiots like Tom Cruise and his mindless worship of L. Ron Hubbard, people are starting to take notice of minority religions. Scientology’s use of celebrity endorsement advertising is coming back to bite them in the ass and the fallout will benefit all of us ex-cult members both in the LDS church and Watchtower printing company.

    Fortunately modern technology and natural human curiosity is helping cut the stealth programming religions off at the knees.

    Thank you Tom.

    Take care,


  • SethMo

    "First of all the Mormon church did not invent the term “apostate” any more than the JW’s, Adventist, or Scientologist did. They all just use it in their programming process to indicate a class of ex-members who pose a threat to the particular brand of god product that they are trying to sell. The concept and term apostate is as old as the god product itself."

    Yeah, I know we didn't invent it. That was tongue in cheek humor on my part. But, as you said, LDS sure act almost like they really did invent it.

    What's funny is that to most LDS an apostate is a very scary thing, but ironically almost everyone the LDS missionaries convert is an apostate from whatever former beliefs they had. For some reason, this kind of apostasy doesn't seem to bother them. ;-)

  • seven006


    Sorry for the assumption. You haven’t posted before so I didn’t know your humor range. I was just going off my knowledge of cult programming and it’s residual effects on ex-members.

    By the way. Do you still consider yourself a Mormon? You said “We” didn’t invent it”

    Here’s a piece of art for you. It’s called programmed.
    It fits both Mormons and JWs alike.

    Take care,


  • lalliv01

    Welcome Seth Mo.

    I surely enjoyed reading your post and consequent replies, very interesting. I read a book by Paul Bailey titled For Time and All Eternity. It was

    about an independent, strong willed Mormon girl who ended up in Utah and her life growing up as a Mormon who ended up marrying a "gentile"

    U.S. soldier. The author wove the story of the Mormon faith, from it's begining, throughout the whole of the novel. As I read it, I couldn't help

    but notice the strong similarities between JW's and Mormons when it came to control of the members and how it is accomplished. Also

    the unstated fear of those in charge, you just don't challenge the GB, or for you, I guess it's The Quorem.

    Once again, welcome.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Seth,

    WELCOME to the forum!!!! Thank you for sharing your story with us. I too have often remarked as to how simular the two faiths are in so many ways. Especially since leaving, I see the simularities even clearer. Please stick around, of course you are welcome here, as it will probably prove to be a place for healing for you.


    Lady Liberty

  • LisaRose

    The funny thing is I used to feel so superior to Mormons. I just couldn't understand how they could believe all these wacko things that Joseph Smith taught. Of course my religion was sooo much better! The joke was on me, as the things I believed were just as stupid. If you are raised with a certain belief or you come to be converted to a certain belief, you only associate with those people who believe, and it is constantly reinforced through constant brainwashing sessions, you just don't question things. I have 3 Mormon familys on my cul-de-sac, and although they are very nice people, it creeps me out because the culture is so similar.

  • LoverOfTruth
    The funny thing is I used to feel so superior to Mormons.

    When I was a JW, I felt Superior to everyone who wasn't a JW. I was a regular "Church Lady" so to speak.

  • zeroday
    I should introduce myself, since this is my first post. I'm actually not an ex-JW, but rather someone who has just lost his faith in a different church, the Mormon church.

    I understand competely I have read a great deal on the Mormon faith and how it mirrors the JW faith in many ways. I have read quite a bit of info from the Tanners I'm sure you have heard of them. Do you post on the CARM discussion board under LDS if not you should visit there is quite alot of LDS apostate gathering there challenging the faithful. It's funny how the loyal LDS and loyal JW's react in the same way when their "One and only true Church" is challenged...

  • penny2

    Hi SethMo, welcome to JWD. I was very interested to read your posts.

    I know a mormon family quite well - they think my parents must be very unintelligent to believe JW teachings. This mormon family thinks they are just so right and it should be so obvious to anyone who takes the time to investigate. Makes me smile but I try not to get into any religious discussions with them.


  • tula

    sethMo, you have a PM

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