Update: Last Nights Meeting

by FadingELD 76 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 4mylove


    I hope my husband one day has your courage to see and question. Thanks so much for your inspiring story. Best to you and yours


  • Kudra


    I looked at your post history and didn't see anything on your JC after your post about "having the JC tomorrow night"


    Could you fill us by perhaps making a thread on it?

  • besty

    acknowleged Kudra - will do...

  • Es

    Im so sorry about your wife's reaction but on the other hand Im so proud that you stood by your sons, you are a truly great parent.

    pls keep us updated

    All the best


  • primitivegenius

    you are truely in our prayers...........

    whats funny is who is doing the christian thing? the org will resort to guilt and bullying to force their will upon you but on the other hand you who were betrayed......... you have compassion for the wife because you understand her brainwashed motivations.

    same with my family when they cut me off for leaving......... i pity them and pray for them but unlike their cult religion i do not condemn them for it.

    the hardest part of your road is ahead tho for now due to 99 percent of your family shoveling their guilt upon you but be strong and know that you have our support and prayers

  • Honesty

    You ROCK !!!!!

    I tried fading for a couple of years but the guilt ate me up.

    My spouse also turned me in to the cult and our lives became a living hell.

    I finally found peace when I cut the Watchtower's umbilical cord with a razor in one swift move.

    Peace to you,


  • flipper

    Fading Eld- I'm sorry you had to deal with a jc. It's like being dragged through a knothole in a door , backwards. I admire your strength of conviction and standing up like a true man towards your own father and father in law. It's so odd in these situations where witness family members feel like they have an accurate take on what's really going on in your wife and your life , when in actuality they don't have a clue as to the depth of your situation. It really comes down to what you and your wife want to do in your relationship, which only YOU and HER can decide. Kudos to you my friend ! And, it's wonderful you are close to those boys ! Protect them with all your heart, they'll never leave you in their hearts ! Peace to you my friend, keep your chin up

  • prophecor

    Speechless. And really sorry about your situation.


  • mouthy

    had know clue what I was putting my kids through, can you imagine the emotions they must of felt the 99% of the time I told them no they could not do this or that, when it was what evrey kid in thier school
    Yes I did the same to MY kids ....Doesnt it make you feel lousy I do!!!! My poor daughter died a few years after we came free- She said MUM continue to try & stop kids becoming JWS it is child abuse.
    I think your a WONDERFUL FATHER!!!!! To stand up & be counted. Your sons should be proud of you ( I pray the wife will one day also)

  • juni

    Granny.... your words are wise.

    Yes FadingELD. You have done a HUGE service to your kids. Your wife is an adult; hopefully she will come around in time. You are your kids' advocate. I wish you the very best.


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