by You Know 99 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Whether you are a JW, xjw, atheist, or just a interested bystander, how many JW's do you know that are even aware of the magnitude of doctrine change of the 1914 "generation" obliteration? [?quote]

    Yes now a generation according to the WT came be thousands of years long since they left it indefinite in length.

    So if that is true, then that obliterates completely the need for Jesus' to give an advance sign, to get Christians ready since the Generation that wouldn't pass away can go on for,... thousands of years or even more.

    What a bunch of holy bull shit!

    [QUOTE]If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Let me correct my last post.


    Whether you are a JW, xjw, atheist, or just a interested bystander, how many JW's do you know that are even aware of the magnitude of doctrine change of the 1914 "generation" obliteration?

    Yes now a generation according to the WT came be thousands of years long since they left it indefinite in length.

    So if that is true, then that obliterates completely the need for Jesus' to give an advance sign, to get Christians ready since the Generation that wouldn't pass away can go on for,... thousands of years or even more.

    What a bunch of holy bull shit!

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • Englishman


    Lets just repeat yesterdays post, we can't have folk thinking that you can't answer it now, can we? Here's what I posted:

    I said:

    Surely then, the Watchtower Society is nothing more than a usurper of hearts? There is no place for an "Earthly organisation" to be found in the Bible, why do you not just believe in the scriptures and simply act accordingly, why do you need this link to the WTBTS?

    And when you didn't respond, I said:

    Well, I don't appreciate his comments at all. Let me tell you that I have no intention of humouring some self-styled prophet who doesn't even have the common courtesy to answer a reasonable question, but just chooses to respond to the questions that suit him. Only Jesus had that privelege, I recall.
    So you said:

    "Wrong: You have already humored me. LOL The apostle advised all Christians to turn down foolish and ignorant questions. So, it is not only my privelege, it is my duty to not respond to stupid or baited questions of ridiculers. / You Know"]

    This is an astonishingly banal and feckless reply. Humouring? Laughing out loud? You have the same privileges as Jesus? Your duty not to respond? (Which you did, albeit most stupidly) Baited questions?

    Good grief man, get some reality into you life!


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Sirona

    4 horsemen:

    When will "apostates" stop being used as convenient scapegoats and the WTS shoulder responsibility for being a false prophet for the better part of 100 years?

    HURRAY!! I agree!

    ROTFLMAO - you are showing how really STUPID and amusing some JWs can be! Your posts are good for entertainment value if nothing else.


  • You Know
    You Know

    I don't have time to read all the posts on this thread, let alone respond to them. I did read Lefty's response though, and perhaps I will have time to go back and read a few more and respond.

    As regards the comparison with an individual joining a labor union, I don't think that is an accurate comparison, not because unions don't advocate certain political positions, but because joining a labor union is an individual conscience matter. However, in the case of the Watchtower Society being affiliated as an NGO with the United Nations Organisation, they have acted as representatives of all Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as Jehovah himself. In that respect very few of Jehovah's Witnesses even know that the organization they represent has joined the UN as an NGO. That's definitely a problem. There is going to be confusion as more and more are confronted with this issue and there is the matter of trust. Now individual Witnesses are left to fend for themselves when presented with the facts. I think the Society could be faced with a PR disaster if this becomes common knowledge. It's an apostate's dream come true. The fact that they apparently suddenly withdrew their membership only creates the impression that they realized what a horrendus blunder had been made.

    As for the UN's agenda to submerge national sovereignties, the John Birch Society has long been in the forefront of researching the UN's agendas and subtle policy of re-establishing a global empire. Here are a few links to the JBS as well as some who are obviously influenced by their views. Also, Lyndon LaRouche has written extensively about the Anglo-American establishment's drive to create a global government and a return to the fuedal system.

    >>> http://www.sovereignty.net/center/wocsoc.shtml

    >>> http://www.getusout.org/un/index.htm

    >>> http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/1996/michael_new.html

    >>> http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/1997/global_warm.html

    >>> http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/1999/lar_sovereignty_2646.html

    this is a must read >>> http://www.thenewamerican.com/tna/2001/10-22-2001/vo17no22_un_not_friend.htm

    here's an excerpt:Many other prominent figures have insisted that the United States must surrender its sovereignty to the United Nations in order to protect its citizens from terrorism. Writing in the September 24th New York Times, Robert Wright, a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, declared that only by abandoning our national independence can we prevent a terrorist attack involving biological or nuclear weapons. According to Wright, "the extreme devotion of … conservatives to national sovereignty" has thwarted UN efforts to control the spread of weapons of mass destruction, since those efforts require "giving the world more control over your own behavior."

    "Clinging to American sovereignty at all costs isn’t just wrong. It’s impossible," contends Wright. "If governments don’t respond with new forms of international organization, civilization as we’ve come to know it could truly be over. So the question isn’t whether to surrender national sovereignty. The question is how - carefully or systematically, or chaotically and catastrophically?"

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I hate to say this but,"you have way more good sense than Lefty"[:0]

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • hawkaw

    You know,

    You and I don't see eye to eye all the time and that is just fine by me - everyone should be free and have a free mind.

    Yet, As a nonJW I am impressed with your thinking on this subject. I must admit I just can't believe they "partnered" or "associated" with the UN and "supported" a Charter that supports military actions (Chapter 7).

    But then the WTS went further by quickly quiting and getting themselves "disassociated" when they were confronted with the evidence.

    I wonder what they were thinking. The leadership have really put themselves into a dangerous trap. I think the only thing that will save them from any uprising is how they have taught so many that they are God's organization and the fear of losing God's organization may stop a lot of JWs from thinking about this UN thing like you have done.


  • Englishman


    Whilst I'm waiting for a reply I'll just have a quiet

    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • You Know
    You Know
    I wonder what they were thinking. The leadership have really put themselves into a dangerous trap

    Yeah, this looks like it has all the makings of a huge mess for the Society. The thing I would caution our enemies about is gloating over us when we finally go down.

    Without question, there are numerous prophecies that have not been appreciated or understood properly that have foretold that Jehovah's organization is going to get wasted. I have little to gain by relating the specifics of such prophecies, except to say that in due time I am confident that we will recover from the blow that is coming, the faithful ones anyway, and eventually we will announce from the rooftops the judgments that have been heretofore concealed from God's people and consequently concealed from the apostate community as well as the world in general.

    It shouldn't be seen as coincidental that events are now rapidly converging. We have the global financial system collapsing; a looming global war, with America being ground zero; and Jehovah's organization on the ropes surrounded by a pack of drooling apostate hyenas. Like Jesus said when he acknowledged that he had come to light a fire upon the earth, and then said something to the effect: "What more to I have to wish except that it is already lit?" / You Know

  • wannahelp

    Hi You know:

    At least now I know where you are getting your information from...

    BTW: I read the peace on Global Warming, which also predicts the financial systems of the world will end by the year 2000, give or take a year or two.. And, all along, I thought you were the prophet..

    The New American has some interesting articles in it.. Do you agree with everything they say, or just the stuff that happens to support your theories?

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