I told a lie

by purplesofa 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I think everyone lies at some point in their life. The real issue is hypocrisy, when you present yourself the way the WTS does, as an entity that is above it, that always speaks the truth, and judges others accordingly. When someone like this gets caught in a lie, that's when it becomes a big issue.

  • flipper

    Purps- I think you're a great writer who has lots of good ideas. Don't worry about Terry, we're not all hyper about correct spelling, it's thoughts on matters that count. The reason you feel bad about lying for not going to work is you have a concsience. The watchtower society does not. They lie and won't admit it, because they don't want to , refuse to see the errors of their ways. Anyway, don't berate yourself for not going to work, you probably needed the day off anyway to rest. You bring a lot to the table on this board. Keep bringin' it!! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • moshe

    But you fail to realize that in another parallel universe you did take off work for exactly the reason you gave. Feel better?

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Purps - If I ever manage to be able to afford a new sofa, it will be purple, in honor of you! Fewer black and white approaches, where ever possible! Good for you, ya' lyin' liar, you!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    But you fail to realize that in another parallel universe you did take off work for exactly the reason you gave.

    That's a lie!

  • changeling

    I find it difficult to lie as well. And I take it very hard when someone lies to me. That is why the UN/NGO issue brought me to my knees and caused me to re-examine everything I had ever been taught. It was the WT's lies and hypocrisy that brought me here today.

    Don't feel bad. We were so conditioned as witnesses to beat ourselves up over the tiniest thing. We were taught to hate our humanity. No one is judging you here. If a little lie that hurts no one gave you some measure of happiness, so be it.

    Enjoy the day,


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    But you fail to realize that in another parallel universe you did take off work for exactly the reason you gave. That's a lie! But only in an un-parallel universe!

  • stillajwexelder

    only 76 forgivenesses left purps -the bible says forgive 77 times

  • Cicatrix

    Woohooo! You're gaining your humanity!!Congrats!;)

  • Gopher

    Hey Purps !!

    I enjoyed that soliloquy.

    It seems this is a rare/occasional occurrence, from the amount of introspection you're doing. (You're right, the WTS leaders seem to feel no qualms of conscience about the whoppers they told us.)

    If this was your typical MO, then it'd be something to be concerned about. Obviously, it isn't.

    Sometimes you need your privacy and have time to take care of yourself, and nobody really should have to know the exact reason.

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