Shattering the Sacred Myths

by nvrgnbk 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    If the evolutionists think that their concept of the world's origin and development is not a myth then they have a lot of introspection to carry out. Evolution is nothing proven but only a hypothesis that tries to account for the "facts" as its proponents perceive them.

    Evolution has never been observed in our times (why did it stopped after billions of years of operation, with the appearence of the homo sapiens man?) and so it can't possibly be a fact.

  • Awakened07

    Oh man, you had to say it.

    It's too late here for me to write much meaningful now, I'll try to get back to it tomorrow.

    Saying that evolution doesn't happen here and now is most often due to a misunderstanding of how it works. It's kinda like standing in front of a tree saying "I've been standing here in front of this tree now for two hours, and nothing has happened! You told me this thing came from a small seed and grew this tall! Well - I can't see it growing!?"

    New information due to mutation has been observed (nylon- and gunpowder-eating bacteria), and speciation has been observed (although this depends on the right definition; since evolution works so slowly, a cat won't ever give birth to a fish or a mix between the two (that would be a caricature of evolution), but in any case where a group of one species has moved apart from the original group, and have mutated to not be able to procreate with members of the original group but still with each other, it will be considered speciation. From there on, the two groups can change quite a lot from each other due to natural selection by their different environments, and they will turn out looking quite different over time).

    I'll give you a YouTube link (it's looong though), and then go to sleep:

  • frankiespeakin


    Yes, myths are here to stay. I think the greatest danger lies when the myths are taken as literal fact, and anyone who disagrees with that is an infidel or apostate or heretic that should be destroyed.

    Yes, and the christian mythology is a very harmful one and not very balanced. I think the american indians had good ones that promoted respect for the enviroment, and keepthe psyche in a better balance.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Evolution has never been observed in our times (why did it stopped after billions of years of operation, with the appearence of the homo sapiens man?) and so it can't possibly be a fact.

    My husband said the exact same thing to me last weekend, when I told him I didn't believe in God. I told him that evolution is observed happening on a daily basis by medical researchers. Take the simplest one-celled life forms, virus and bacteria. They constantly adapt to their environment, mutate and evolve into stronger strains that are resistant to antibiotics and anti-virals and are fitter to survive, fulfilling all aspects of the basic tenets of evolution. This happens very quickly with such simple life forms which is why researchers are scrambling to come up with new anti-virals and antibiotics before new "SUPER bugs" evolve. This also gives lie to the WTBTS claim that mutations always weaken the organism.

    Humans today are considerably taller on average than humans of 500 years ago. They also reach puberty years earlier than they used to. In the first example this is due to the natural selection of the dominant trait for height. In the second example, scientist believe it is due to adaptation to environmental factors (diet, etc.) Both of these traits pre-dispose us to greater chance of survival It is conceivable that millions of years from now, humans could bear little resemblance to humans today. Evolution can be observed happening in our times. It is just happening so slowly that most people miss it. Sort of like how we can't feel the earth turning every day, but it still turns.

    These are very simple examples. For more complex and scientific facts, read a book on the subject. My husband has dismissed all the scientific information available without ever having read a book on evolution, biology or genetics. (Unless you count the Creation book, which I don't).


  • nvrgnbk

    Myths are wonderful things. Myths taken literally are a horror.


    Evolution has never been observed in our times (why did it stopped after billions of years of operation, with the appearence of the homo sapiens man?) and so it can't possibly be a fact.

    Good points, Cog.

    You really might want to take another look at it, greendawn.

    Evolution is change.

    Change is constant.

  • Gopher

    Well said, nvr.

    If I could add this for Greendawn's benefit - the definition of the word "theory" must be clear to think rationally about this subject.

    Here's the first definition of THEORY - which applies to human experience, but not to science

    An unproven conjecture .

    I have a theory about who broke into the school last night, but it’s just a theory.

    Here are two definitions of THEORY that apply to the sciences. Note that they do not mean "unproven":

    A coherent statement or set of statements that attempts to explain observed phenomena.

    There is now a well-developed theory of electrical charge.

    A logical structure that enables one to deduce the possible results of every experiement that falls within its purview.

    The theory of relativity was proposed by Einstein.
  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Yes, good point Gopher.

    The scientifc method uses a system of gathering information and drawing conclusions that is heirarchical in nature. The structure is as follows

    1. Hypothesis: is an unproved scientific conclusion drawn from known facts and used as a basis for further investigation or experimentation. (Notice that the conclusion proposed does not claim to be proved but it is still based on known facts, not merely speculation.)

    2.Theory: a closely reasoned set of propositions derived from and supported by established evidence and intended serve as an explanation for a group of phenomenon: the quantum theory, atomic theory. (At this stage the hypothesis has undergone repeated testing and consistent results have been observed and documented)

    3. Scientific law: a formal statement of the manner or order in which a set of natural phenomenon occur under certain conditions; law of gravity. (This type of statement is only made when a theory has been repeated without a deviation of results for such a long period that it becomes firmly established. Even, then when conditions change, the law may not apply. For instance, there is no gravity on the moon,)

    I included these definitions and explanations because I notice that there is repeatedly confusion as to what constitues the scientific method and scientific evidence. There is much established evidence supporting evolution. To refuse to look at it or consider it fully, because we prefer to believe in the veracity of our myths, does not mean it does not exist.


  • jaguarbass

    And it will try to convince you not to commit to any belief about our existence that cannot be proven beyond doubt.

    I'm down with that statement thats why I call myself an agnostic.

  • Terry
    My husband has dismissed all the scientific information available without ever having read a book on evolution, biology or genetics.

    Unless a person is willing to be wrong (if shown evidence about an erroneous belief) they are intellectually dishonest.

    Intellectual dishonesty is based on fear.

    When you invest everything you have on something you don't want the market to crash.

    Think of a kid in a movie theater where a horror film is being shown. What do they do at the scary parts? They hide their eyes and plug their ears.

    That is a frightened JW cringing like a vampire at the rays of sunlight creeping across the still dawn.

  • nvrgnbk

    That is a frightened JW cringing like a vampire at the rays of sunlight creeping across the still dawn.

    I love it when you're devastatingly logical AND poetic.

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