Shattering the Sacred Myths

by nvrgnbk 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk


    Evolutionary Metaphysics means “to contemplate the existence of the universe in light of the theory of evolution”.

    Natural evolution depends on random mutation, and some people believe this proves that consciousness has no higher purpose. This might be true, but there are other important concepts that need to be considered before committing to any particular belief about our existence.

    Throughout history and still today, the vast majority of people have been conditioned to believe in religious myths and philosophical ideals that may seem very real but which in fact have no basis in reality.

    This book will attempt to explain why these myths and misconceptions are still so popular. And it will try to convince you not to commit to any belief about our existence that cannot be proven beyond doubt.

  • Terry

    Consciousness implies someone is looking at something and knows they are looking.

    Purpose is a direction of consciousness implemented by willful action.

    Natural evolution depends on random mutation, and some people believe this proves that consciousness has no higher purpose.

    Consciousness is entirely dependant and conditional upon the actions which sustain it (and life).

    The primary purpose of consciousness is to direct the living being in insuring the continuance of conditions which sustain its life.

    Beyond the primary purpose (stay alive!) a hierarchy of purposes remain; chiefly, improving conditions for sustaining life.

    By improving the conditions which sustain life more and more subsidiary purposes become possible.

    If you are freezing, starving, in pain or thirsty; nothing else will matter more as a purpose than overcoming those conditions.

    If you are comfortable you have more options.

    THE HIGHEST purpose of a living being is a completely well-lived life. Consciousness of what creates a well-lived life is the highest purpose of personal awareness and intellect.

    What we include/exclude in relation to our life is our purpose.

    MYTHS are rough-drafts.

    MYTHS were man's first guess scenarios which helped him gain a perspective.

    Who am I? Where am I? Who is in charge? How do I avoid death? How can I continue to live better and better?

    The MYTH became a community opinion of how things work.

    When science and Philosophy came along and Logic became a tool of thought (Greeks) the Myth started to fade.


    Actual knowledge supercedes guesswork and storytelling.

    EMOTIONALLY mankind was addicted to their own FEELINGS about their MYTHS and the characters they created.

    This is religious sentiment.

    Only actual knowledge can drive out the emotional attachment to myth.

  • RAF

    May I change this sentence my way?

    Evolutionary Metaphysics means “to contemplate the existence of the universe in light of the theory of evolutionexperience”.

  • nvrgnbk

    As always, very insightful, Terry.

    I like that edit, RAF.

  • changeling

    Thanks guys! I like reading your "cliff notes" about deeper subjects so I can stay informed and still have time to read fiction which I much prefer.


  • Seeker4

    If we're in the editing mode, then try it this way, which I think is more accurate: Evolutionary Metaphysics means to contemplate the existence of the universe in light of the experience of evolution.

    It is, after all, the definition of "evolutionary metaphysics," not "experience metaphysics."

    I'm interested in taking a look at this, so thanks for the link. Evolution is absolutely fascinating, and without a doubt one of the most important concepts humans have come to realize. Its power (and danger in many minds) lies in the fact that evolution destroys the entire basis for they mythic view of life.

    Ken Wilber wrote several years ago that any religion that continued to believe in the literality of its mythologies would end up being marginalized by science. That's happening to the Witnesses - it's exactly the reason I left. And boy, do we need to have the mythic religious fundamentalists marginalized now more than ever!

    The more we understand the incredible processes and complexities of evolution, the better we'll understand our universe. It will help us replace the old mythologies with a new, and hopefully improved understanding of reality.

    My sense is, because evolution is a more accurate, rational, fact-based and truthful view of our universe, it can't help but come up with a better metaphysics than the god-based religions.

    I'm afraid I will certainly not live to see that on any grand scale, but I'm catching the early glimmerings!


  • Awakened07

    It may be redundant, but I'd like to add that The Theory of Evolution™ only deals with biology; changes in the gene pool of a species from one generation to the next, caused by random mutations and natural selection. Although one can say that the universe evolved, Big Bang doesn't have anything to do with the evolution theory. Neither does abiogenesis. It may be that the site doesn't differentiate it much in order to make it easier for people to understand things. It's rather: cosmology ---> abiogenesis ---> evolution (biology). I'm not sure if I'm arguing semantics or definitions here, it depends why the website states things the way it does. But Evolution isn't some strange 'force' that guided the universe from the Big Bang on. That would've been... God.

  • frankiespeakin

    I'm afraid Myths are here to stay, they may be changed for a better myths. Myths are part of the human minds way of giving us understanding of our world, they are a very deep part of the way the human psyche has been operating for untold thousands of years . We may have lost some ancient myths, but we just have rerplaced them for more modern ones some good and some harmful to the human psyche.

  • Shawn10538

    Good edit RAF! It is by far a more scientific statement.

  • Seeker4


    Yes, myths are here to stay. I think the greatest danger lies when the myths are taken as literal fact, and anyone who disagrees with that is an infidel or apostate or heretic that should be destroyed.

    Myths are wonderful things. Myths taken literally are a horror.


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