Kudos to the Christians/Believers on JWD. (seriously)

by Open mind 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    BTW, did I happen to mention that I'm right and you're all wrong?

    Yeah - now repent or be damned lol!!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hey Sad Emo:

    My "No God" can beat up your "God".

    *kicks sand in Emo's direction*

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Why you ...

    No he can't cos my God's bigger than yours.

    Watch out for the lighning bolts!

  • Swan

    Faith in the existence God is something I just can't find inside myself anymore after my horrible ordeal, therefore I treasure it in those who can still find it within themselves.


  • Stephanus
    JW's fail scientifically, logically, moraly, and theologically.

    Not only that, but they're ugly, too! LOL

  • Inquisitor

    I think what gets me riled up (and yes I know I should know better), is when I hear an ex-JW attack the WTS or JWs in general using their version of Christianity. You cannot expect to sound credible by saying things like "JWs are all devoid of love, unlike the churches", or that the "WTS IS the AntiChrist and anyone who doesn't think so is full of bullsh*t".

    Judging JWs and their org by cherry-picking at the Scriptures is as bad as being a self-righteous JW. I did not wake up from my JW delusion only to embrace another kind of mental numbness. That is why I find it so hard to stand back and watch a whole bunch of posters indulge in their self-assuring, biased condemnation of the JWs. If you have a point to make, back it up with facts. Don't publicly masturbate to your self-assured salvation.

    Having said that, I acknowledge that not all Christians on JWD are as ludicrous as those I have just described. And yes, I respect these latter individuals for who they are, even if I may disagree with their persuasions.


  • LtCmd.Lore
    JW's fail scientifically, logically, moraly, and theologically.
    Not only that, but they're ugly, too! LOL

    OK: JW's fail scientifically, logically, moraly, theologically, and aesthetically.

  • Arthur

    The way I see it; Christianity is about the way one engages with the world around them; not a devotion to doctrines, creeds, or dogmas. I think there is something very wrong with any doctrinal systems that allow followers to ignore the concepts of charity, love of neighbor (including members of other religions) as long as they adhere to "correct teachings", "are saved", or are "born again". I feel that I have retained the Christian faith, although I can say that I do not label myself by any denomination or even by any label such as "born again", "evangelical", or "fundamentalist". The message that Jesus preached was deeply profound, and simple at the same time - love God with one's whole heart, and love one's neighbor as oneself. It is very easy to lose this, and allow dogma to cause one to miss the forrest for the trees.

    I think that many religions besides JWs have lost this basic dictum in the pursuit of devotion and allegiance to organizations, doctrines, and ecclesiastical bodies. It is very notable that Jesus left so much unsaid on seeming important matters. This should have a humbling effect on those who strive to follow his teachings.

  • JWdaughter

    I'm with OpenMind. . .I am still feeling my way, but I like that I can come here and not be attacked by either group for my. . .at best I would call it ambivalence, though I have defintely breached out of believer category . I appreciate the safety I have here in finding my way-and all the Christians here have been decent about letting me be where I am. This is one of the few places I can be who I am and not get grief for it.Thanks.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I'll reply to Inquisitor tomorrow.

    thanks Inquisitor for your brutalness.

    Open Mind

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