Open Discussions About The Paranormal

by The wanderer 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin
    Open Discussions About The Paranormal

    Sure, why not! Let critics and beleivers discuss. That what open means to me, if you exclude critics how can you call it open? Wouldn't that be a closed discussion?

    I'm not a materialist, but think some stories on the paranormal are rather contrived, but that doesn't mean every story is.

  • joannadandy

    But of course the trouble in all this comes also from the people who believe in the paranormal, but disagree as to what it means, or the methods by which "evidence" is collected, what's credible - what isn't? Which theories are more relevant etc.

    Then we have to section out another group - and so-on and so-forth.

    I have an interest in the paranormal. I am not interested in believers who blindly accept anything thrown to them, and I have no interest in people who will choose that anything paranormal is "impossible".

    Discussion is discussion - when you open it up everyone will comment. It's what you choose to respond to that will direct the threads. If the true believers ignored the nay-sayers and continued their discussion just the same, the threads would have an all-together different feel. You can't ask people to post what you want when you want - the only thing you can control are your responses to what's been posted.

    It's not that hard is it?

  • ButtLight
    From now on, it would be good if people divided into two groups: those that believe in the paranormal, and those that don't, instead of mixing. The ones that believe can't prove the other ones wrong, and likewise.

    If it were only that easy hey? Then I guess it wouldnt be a discussion forum. It would go alot better if people would just simply remember everyone here has different beliefs, and the main thing, feelings. You can get your point across, without being harsh.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Buttlight:

    Agreed! I do not see why individuals cannot discuss
    this or any other issue in a civil manner without
    resorting to insult or ridicule.

    As I mentioned to another individual on this thread,
    I would rather build bridges of communication then
    construct walls that divide.

    Sad to say, some individuals see discussions in
    terms of being "debates" and not being able to
    stick to the theme of the discussion.

    Thank for your understanding
    and for your posting.



  • hillary_step


    Agreed! I do not see why individuals cannot discuss this or any other issue in a civil manner without resorting to insult or ridicule.

    As I mentioned to another individual on this thread, I would rather build bridges of communication then construct walls that divide.

    Sad to say, some individuals see discussions in terms of being "debates" and not being able to stick to the theme of the discussion.

    Thank for your understanding and for your posting.

    Still at it I see. Shaking head.

    Unable to cease the temptation to provide counsel to those who have grown way beyond the world of theological wagging fingers. Frankly, you would view any truth as an insult if it did not caress your very limited worldview Wanderer. You claim that the formatting of your posts was partially a spoof of the AWAKE! magazine. I would suggest that the content of your posts does not stray too far from the format either.

    Give it up Richard, some of us have looked through your deja vu. At this stage you are embarrassing yourself. Grow up, and move on from this thread and into fresher climes..

    I mean this with sincerity - HS

  • nvrgnbk

    I was with some spirits as recently as this evening.

    They were most helpful.

  • frankiespeakin
  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    From now on, it would be good if people divided into two groups: those that believe in the paranormal, and those that don't, instead of mixing. The ones that believe can't prove the other ones wrong, and likewise.

    Do you mean divide into two groups as in the sheep and the goats, or the faithful slave and the wicked slave or the sneeches (oops wrong fairy tale)? Quit mixing in company with those who are ghosthunters, ufo chasers, or monkey bone digging atheists that you do not become a sharer in their wicked works. Remember, bad association spoils useful habits!

    Cog: 7:7

    ps: I give myself a "G" for skillfully mixing metaphors, obscure and obvious cultural references, and misapplied scriptures all in one post!

  • funkyderek

    The Wanderer:

    I've been away for a few days, I wasn't ignoring you.

    Explain why the possibility of the
    paranormal cannot exist or is an
    "insane" notion as you imply or

    I made no such suggestion or implication. As always, the best way to ascertain what I meant is to read what I actually wrote. Please do that and get back to me if you have any relevant questions.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Funky:

    I have a number of questions for you,
    however, I have decided to wait for
    a future date considering the fact
    that this thread is already dated.

    The Wanderer

    "...there never is any evidence, and the application of reason would damage their
    worldview."-FunkyDerek (partial quote)


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