But of course the trouble in all this comes also from the people who believe in the paranormal, but disagree as to what it means, or the methods by which "evidence" is collected, what's credible - what isn't? Which theories are more relevant etc.
Then we have to section out another group - and so-on and so-forth.
I have an interest in the paranormal. I am not interested in believers who blindly accept anything thrown to them, and I have no interest in people who will choose that anything paranormal is "impossible".
Discussion is discussion - when you open it up everyone will comment. It's what you choose to respond to that will direct the threads. If the true believers ignored the nay-sayers and continued their discussion just the same, the threads would have an all-together different feel. You can't ask people to post what you want when you want - the only thing you can control are your responses to what's been posted.
It's not that hard is it?