Assembly Hall shakedown - Columbia SC

by sir82 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    REMEMBER the WT where they praised the faith and self-sacrifice of sisters in the Solomon Islands.

    They dug the foundations of the Kingdumb Hell with their bare hands beacause they could not afford spades!!!!!



  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    The organization has also agreed to meet here in 2008 and 2009, he said, and tentatively agreed to hold their sessions here from 2010 through 2013. The number of sessions may swell to four annually, Purvis quoted congregation officials as saying.

    Good one Danny, I guess the BS about the end being so close is just BS, since they have this place booked till 2013, what, weren't they saying last year with all the different campaigns that the end was imminent and now this? I think I will email this to some people. Thanks for sharing Danny!

  • OnTheWayOut
  • The regional building committee boys are bored and are being forced to go out in Field Service on Saturdays when they could be wearing old jeans and t-shirts and sportin' leather tool belts, to the envy of all.
  • I try to remember reasons like this one.

    This is how elders and construction folks on the RBC can feel like the Governing Body.
    "Our work is so critical, we don't have time for ordinary field service, that's for the pioneers and publishers
    without our skills or needed talents."

    Elders have meetings after the public meetings so they don't have time to clean the toilets- they do enough
    of that at their night jobs.

    Also, another reason. As long as it's someone else's money, the folks in charge most often choose the
    path of spending it. Local elders will say, "The Kingdom Hall is 8 years old, and we were going to paint, but
    we had a few thousand dollars in the fund, so we decided to change the entire color pattern of the hall, carpets,
    chairs, wallpaper, etc." I remember commenting on a Kingdom Hall that voted for a new iron fence for a few grand.
    One elder volunteered to fix the old fence for free, with volunteers. It would take 3 weekends. I listened to his
    plan, how our fence could be repaired. If it were a home, the owners would have considered him seriously. The majority
    had already gotten excited about the new one, and wanted to stay involved with this project.

    RBC will say, "Your Hall is a bit crowded with 3 full congregations. It seems like your publishers could afford
    another hall in your area."

  • willyloman

    OTWO: In our area, they built a double hall (two bldgs, one lot, shared parking) and moved two congos in because each was meeting in a hall shared by 3 congos - a situation they had been living with for almost 10 years. Because the third congo at one of the halls was Spanish, the Spanish congo insisted on also moving to the "new" hall because otherwise they felt like they were being discriminated against. After they moved, one of the English congos in a nearby KH decided to move from the the antiquated hall they shared with two Spanish congos. So now the new double hall has four congos, but not one of them represents a new congregation or any significant growth. And this is in an area where the population has gone up 50-60% in the past 10 years.

    Still, it didn't take but a minute for dubs in the area to start telling everyone they met at the door that they are "growing so fast we were forced to build TWO new halls for our meetings."
    However, they never mention that their monthly expenses, down to basic maintenance and utilities at the old "paid-for" hall, are now well over $1,000 a month just for the mortgage. Except for that, everybody's happy. The Society gets interest on their money and more real estate. The RBC boys got another project. And the "friends" get to pretend the organization is growing and that they are part of it.

  • changeling

    And they have the nerve to critisize televangelists when they beg for money...

  • BlackPearl

    I've got a better idea, just give them your checking account number and they'll automatically "draft" your account each month. You won't feel a thing, except your wallet getting thinner.


  • sir82

    And what kind of questions are in a financial survey?

    There are 3 questions (wording is not exact):

    1) How much are you willing to give as a one-time outright donation?

    2) How much are you willing to loan? *

    3) How much could you pay every month to help us pay off a loan?

    * The loan would be long term, not paid back for several years. But I think, not 100% sure, you can ask the same 3% interest the Society charges.

  • NotBlind

    Assembly halls are such a bad deal for local congregations that have to use them. The WTS charges the circuit several dollars per publisher per day (can't remember the exact figure), but back in the 80's, it was something like 3-4 bucks per pub.

    The circuit I was in had something like 700 publishers, so for a 2 day assembly, that's close to $6000 rent, which goes right back into the coffers of the WTS!

    By comparison, I later moved to a circuit that had to rent a facility for its assemblies. The same two days cost about $3000, and it was really just as nice as the ASSembly hall.

    The WTS would much rather get a free $10 million building built courtesy of the average window-washing members, then charge said members $6000 a weekend to use the same building they supposedly already paid for.

    What a racket!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Please excuse me while I go VOMIT!


  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    Primate Dave Wrote...

    I was always amazed at how much it cost to use the Salisbury hall for circuit assemblies and special days.

    Thats because a donation of $5,000 was set aside for WTBS headquarters up front. Our assemblies generally ran about $7,000 but $5,000 was set aside. I wonder how much they rake in at the District Conventions.

    I think I will start a new post asking this question.

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