NOT AGAIN! That's right folks, once again we are now 'very close' 2 the end

by needproof 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty


    I wonder if your source was in the same congo as mine was......................She said that its been announced by the GB that the end id "imminent"

    I asked my other family members about it and they didnt know anything about it, we all thought a letter had been read out announcing it

    Idiots..........I just wish they would do another `75 and really lose credibility

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    If I didn't know better, I'd think my mom gave the talk. She tells me the same thing every weekend when I talk to her, year after year!

  • davegod

    A public talk titled "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living May Never Die" was first delivered on February 24, 1918 in Los Angeles, California. Five weeks later, on March 31, 1918 the title was changed to indicate absolute certainty: "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living Will Never Die." The public talk continued to be delivered under that same title until 1925. The material was published as this book in 1920. This book may be of interest to students of human psychology and students of religious movements, particularly millennialist apocalyptic, "prophetic" religious movements. It is now republished in a larger, easy-to-read format for purposes of research, scholarship, teaching, news reporting, commentary or criticism. With the exception of the rear cover, every page is a photographically enlarged duplicate of the original publication. Once hard to find, this reprinting makes this historic book available at a reasonable price.

  • davegod

    ^ I had a hard time posting that! I copied it from the ad on the top of the reply page. Irony is a b!tch!

  • badboy

    DID WORLD END IN 1919?


  • TD


    --Reminds me of Fred Sanford (From the sitcom) always pretending he was dying; "This is the big one....(Looking heavenward)....I'm comin' Elizabeth!)

    The "End" was only "months" away when the "Children" book was released in 1942 (They actually said that in The Watchtower)

  • Terry

    Next time you hear a JW mention the "very close" proximity to THE END say this to them:

    "Look, this is a magnificent opportunity we have here. Listen up! I want you to put this in writing (what you just said to me about how near the end we are). I want you to put today's date on it. A year from now I'm going to hand this back to you and have you read it out loud.

    At that day and time I want you to explain to me why IT WAS TOTALLY WRONG, MISGUIDED AND FALSE as a Prophetic warning. Then, I'll ask you why you are still going along with such a moronic "the sky is falling" group of people who have a 100% failure record of telling the Truth!

    See how they respond to that one!

  • garybuss

    The reason the world won't end . . . is it already ended in 1914.

    Above is scanned from the Watchtower November 1, 1942 page 2

    "Jehovah's Witnesses have never believed that the Kingdom of God will be on earth."
    The Watchtower April 1, 1985 page 30

  • needproof

    Hahaha, you guys are awesome. I am in good company here; we have all heard it ALL before. What struck me was the intensity of this person's comments, and the subsequent phonecall from a member of my family to my partner urging her to return, 'since we only have hours left'.

  • M.J.

    At the last circuit assembly a speaker said that we're not just living in the last days, we're living in the LAST DAYS of the last days.

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