How do you think God feels about atheists? Angry? Amused?

by AlmostAtheist 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    The assumption is that "god" is like us; that is, "god" thinks and "god" feels. We've made god into a larger version of us. Perhaps what the word god points to is something other than what is assumed. It's not surprising we do this given the "god inspired" scriptures that we have. Maybe it's time to put those on the shelf and direct our attention elsewhere as far as what our "relationship" to god is. Instead of trying to figure out just what god is and what he/she/it "thinks and feels", perhaps the time has come to examine just what WE are first. Afterall, we only have certainty of our OWN existence, but how many are even aware of what the essence of that existence is? Doesn't it make sense that that should be the primary examination? Are we just a body and mind with emotions coursing through us or are we something more fundamental? Who am "I", really? Find that out and then see what happens to questions about "god".

  • frankiespeakin

    To answer that question requires lots of assumtions. Like assuming there is a god, and that god has feelings, and that god thinks like humans do?

    As already mentioned we humans anthromorphasize god. How could god be human or have human qualities, or see things the way humans see things, the way we see the world is not the way any god (if he exists) see the world, as a turtle sees the world different than the way a human see the world, so why would we ever conclude that god would see the world as we do. It is true that the bible says, god created man in his image, but really the bible god was created by men in mans image, he was created in mens minds, with all the human weaknesses of jealousy, hate, rage, murderous fits of anger, and painful emotions. Such a god could never be real.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    God the Loving Father: "Now, if I warned you atheists once, I've warned you a thousand times. If you don't believe in me I'm going to have to punish you. This hurts me more than it hurts you but I'm going to have to burn you all for eternity in hellfire."

    Atheists: "No please daddy. Not that. Anything but that. I don't remember you warning me. I didn't hear you"

    God: "Well, I warned your older brother, and I told him to pass it along to you from me. If you didn't listen to him then your still going to have to be punished!"

    Atheists: "But daddy! I don't remember my older brother giving me any such message. It's not fair. I didn't know. Please don't burn me daddy!"

    God: "Not that brother silly. The one you never met. The one who died thousands of years before you were born. I told him to leave you a note."

    Atheist: "Oh that note!. But I couldn't read it. It wasn't in my language. Someone tried to translate it for me but it still didn't make any sense. It was written all in code and symbols. How was I supposed to know what you meant? Please don't burn me daddy!"

    God: "Well, if you were really a good boy/girl who had a good heart then you would have figured out what I meant by the note and done what it said. Now prepare to burn for all eternity!"

    Atheist: "No, daddy! No!"

    Cog: Yep, sure sounds like a loving father to me!

  • Blueblades

    The silence is deafening and will continue.


  • funkyderek


    I can see him complacent -- Eh, if I were in their shoes, I might think the same thing.

    Well, he does think the same thing. Ask almost any theist and they'll confirm that God does not believe in any sort of higher power, but rather thinks that his immense power and complexity just happen to exist. Of course, if he really existed, I imagine he'd have his doubts about that, as being omniscient he would know that real omniscience and omnipotence would be indistinguishable from a perfect simulation created by a supergod.

    So, according to theists, God is a staunch atheist, but this atheist has a hunch he may actually be agnostic - or would be if he existed.

  • Paralipomenon

    I'm with Crumpet on this one.

    What would be more important to a God? A person that doesn't believe in him personally but lives a good life, or someone that believes but doesn't show tolerance and affection for his neighbor.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    God feels like you do when you have been watching someone for a while that you find really facinating, they do not know you, and you are looking forward to meeting them.


  • nvrgnbk
    I'm with Crumpet on this one.

    What would be more important to a God? A person that doesn't believe in him personally but lives a good life, or someone that believes but doesn't show tolerance and affection for his neighbor.

    Parali, that question is in essence the basis of the Atheist's Wager,given in response to Pascal's Wager( a flawed appeal to inspire worship):

    You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in God. If there is no God, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent God, he will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in him.
  • lonelysheep

    The god I used to worship feels that athiests are fools!

    Gee, who gave him the right to be so judgemental?!

  • SacrificialLoon

    I think this little quote sums up my opinion nicely:

    "Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because if there be one he must approve of the homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear." - Thomas Jefferson

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