How do you think God feels about atheists? Angry? Amused?

by AlmostAtheist 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    From the atheists perpspective, it's a bit like saying, What do you think the tooth fairy feels about people who don't believe in the tooth fairy? Nothing because the tooth fairy doesn't exist.

    I'm more interested in what God thinks about agnostics, such as me.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    If there is a god, it is his will that I am an atheist, just like it was his will for Jesus to die on the cross and be killed by the Jews.

    So, if anyone is to blame, it's God - NOT the atheists or the Jews.

    Laugh. God just laughs if he's there, and I doubt that "He" exists anyway, so what does it matter whether I believe in him or not.

    Microbes might not believe in me either, and I really don't care. That's what Lysol's for.

    Perhaps, in a few millennia, science and technology and other forms of secularism will be Lysol for religion.

  • jaguarbass

    Dave: If there was a God, my idea of him would have him being all knowing and all powerful. He would know the begining from the end. So given that, he would know why some folks called themselves atheist. He'd be at peace with himself that he hadnt shown such ones enough light and understanding. He'd know that in the end everyone would come around. If he was the God of the bible. He would have a fit and start destroying things.

  • nvrgnbk
    Re: Polytheism, Monotheism, Atheism: a logical sequence?May 25, 2007
    Perhaps God is telling us that atheism is the way?

    I posted this on Nark's cool thread the other day.

  • Twitch
    How do you think God feels about atheists? Angry? Amused?

    "You know, Lucifer, I admire your strategy this time. You've come a long way since I invented this little game of chess you and I play and I must say, black suites you. I like how you've fashioned your court pieces into famous atheists though I think the pawns could've been done better. Really now, the agnostics wouldn't appreciate that; half of them are mine you know. GLOL You always did play a good pawn defense though. For a pretty boy prima donna with a mean streak and penchant for stirring it up. But it's all for naught as you are still in denial of the fact that my kung fu is the strongest and soon you'll be sulking in the basement again, poking at the fire and carving out more pawns into court pieces.Or trying to anyways, eh? Heads up Luc. King's bishop to night's six, checkmate. GLHAO."

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Well thats gratitude for you, and just think of all the nice things I've done for mankind for all these years.........sheesh

  • BFD

    If there is a god then he/it knew there would be atheists and he/it really doesn't give a shit.


  • Gregor

    Kind of like- How do you think Mickey Mouse feels about Walt Disney? God is the creation of man. Ironic, heh?

  • UnConfused

    HE/SHE has no business in my book being happy or angry until he does something about the children dying in Africa and other child-unfriendly places. So GOD if you are reading this do something meaningful with your power and help those children for Christ's sake!

  • nvrgnbk

    Exactly, UnConfused!

    I just posted this on Perry's "Isn't God Awesome?" thread:

    Vinny, what is your God doing when children are being beaten, raped, molested, or otherwise tortured?

    Is He smiling?

    Is He sleeping?

    Is He crying?

    Is He wishing He could do something to stop it?

    Please enlighten us. Please. I beg you. In all sincerity.

    Explain this to the atheists God. Please.

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