by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I wouldn't call myself the mush expert at all CoCo - it looks like you get that title as you make it properly, not in the microwave like BB and me lol!

    I think I left off writing here yesterday because of your post too CoCo - your post was a kind thought and I just didn't feel the need to add to it and I didn't want it to be swallowed by the mundane either. That would be disrespectful.

    I suppose we could call it our 24 hour silence - to the memory of R's cousin and to think of the family.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    BB and Sad emo,

    Again, my appreciation for your thoughtfulness re: the dedication to restrangled. We hope and pray that she and her loved ones are managing under this heavy weight of tragedy and grief.

    Congrats, BB, on your vision report. What good news! You must be ecstatic as are others who have had the procedure. Glad you don't have the daily ordeal of heavy city traffic. I live in a small town, yet the congestion on the roads is well nigh onto exasperating.
    My vision is good but for needing "readers." Sometime back I went out to get the mail and began reading it on the walk back. Out of the blue it hit me: I can read w/o my glasses! I believed I had been hit by the vision fairy [i.e., the good fairy]. Come to find out, it's only out of doors I am able to read thus. Lots of light. Don't know why.

    Your comments, Sad, in the thread on complimenting a JWD poster, were most heartening. Work, toil, do good - without thought of a reward. We are not diminished by our personally not being mentioned. I realize how others might feel when SEEMINGLY overlooked. Ebb and flow. Wax and wane.
    At times we all of us feel forgotten or invisible. I hate when I begin acting petulant over what truly amounts to an unintended or unwitting slight by another. I cannot imagine Mohandas Ghandi or Mother Theresa fretting over such. Galileo himself reproved me: "Young man, you are NOT the center of the solar system! You may be a son, but you are not the sun." [apologies to you, GG!]
    It takes some adjusting of outlook if one has been in the limelight most of one's life, however. God, help me be humble and not think more of myself than necessary.

    Thank you!

    A great weekend to all,


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Phew! Busy day at work today so I had no time to visit JWD, I'm tired out although I don't think this was helped by my going straight from asleep to awake this morning - no reason for it, I just didn't wake up gently for some reason - never mind, I survived the day! I've been very tuned in to others' emotions today too. I look at someone and can almost feel what they're feeling - happiness, sadness, pain, fear, weariness - in these times I'll fire silent 'arrow prayers' at/for them and let it go, if I didn't I'd be a wreck myself pretty quickly!

    Love the Galileo quote CoCo! The prayer that I posted was written by Francis of Asissi - a very humble man. he was born into a very wealthy family but he gave it all away to become a travelling preacher - another of his great sayings which many Christians today might learn from was 'preach the Gospel wherever you go - use words if necessary'!! I trying to live by the Franciscan 'rule', not too successfully on the possessions front yet though!

    As you say, it's ebb and flow - I wrote here the other week that I wondered why I bother sometimes when I get customers in my bookshop who'd rather use the internet, other times like now I think 'Well I've done my best to serve and that's all I can do'

    I'm looking at Yorkie, my healthy cat who has been out all day whilst I was at work - he's fast asleep in my laptop case, dreaming of chasing mice or birds methinks because his feet are twitching. He looks like he's had a busy day 'at the office' - either that or he's finally feeling his age, he's 11 but acts like he's about 4! Sophie, my ill cat is curled up sleeping my spare bedroom catchingthe last rays of the setting sun. Bless 'em both (as long as they aren't both awake all night and jumping on my head!!)

    Have a lovely weekend all


  • JH

    Today I went to the St-John the Baptist parade. June 24th is Quebec's National holiday.

    And I walked about 15km today, yes I love walking when it's warm out.

    And I rode about 7 km on bike.

    Now I'm eating an oatmeal cookie and a ice cold coke to replenish.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Busy weekend. Saturday we had a surprise anniversary party for an employer of mine. They have been married for 49 years. We had such a good time! Lots of fun, and it was interesting to talk to all their old friends and hear stories of how they met etc.

    Today we walked to the park for a mulitcultrual festival. Lots of yummy food from different countries, traditional music and dance displays, craft vendors. I love seeing all the traditional costumes, they are so colourful and interesting, especially seeing the children embracing their cultures and carrying on the traditions.

    Perfect day for it too!!


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    The rain is back with a vengeance! It hasn't stopped since yesterday and the flood warning sirens are now sounding down in the valley areas so people get chance to sandbag their doors and move at least some possessions to upstairs rooms. I'm at work on my day off, down in 'the cave' doing admin and rainwater is dripping in, not so bad as to cause major damage and we keep everything away from that end of the room anyway. I have a vast array of mop buckets and large tubs catching the drips! Hope the rain at least eases if it doesn't stop.

    Have a good week all


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Oh Emo!! Take care with all that rain. You can send some my way again - I can certainly use it!

    Beautiful sunrise this morning, for a short time the sky was filled with gold and pink tones. It's going to be hot here today so I wanted an early start to the day. I took the dogs to the river early before the heat of the day set in. The fish were jumping in the river, the birds were singing, the sun was shining. I must have been the first person there this morning because I could feel the gossamer threads of the spiders webs on my arms while walking down the path. Poor things, they are going to have to rebuild their webs to catch their breakfasts!

    Have a good day everyone, stay dry, stay cool, stay safe!


  • brinjen
    The rain is back with a vengeance!

    It's been raining a bit here as well, emo though nothing like you'd be experiencing. Not unusual for the tropics, we've had 100mm+ in one day. During the wet season, it's dry season at the moment. Been cold lately too, dropped down to 22 degrees (celius) in Darwin, that was the max temp. Tennant Creek (further south) experienced 8 degrees celcius as their maximum. Very unusual weather, Darwin is only 12.5 degrees from the equator.

    Applied for another job over the weekend. It's with a national company that has a reputation for treating their employees very well, and paying them well. Call centre work to begin with but plenty of opportunities to move up into other areas like web site design, graphic design etc. Submitted my application online over the weekend, they rang me at 8:30 this morning. Conducted a phone interview a couple of hours later, go and see them Wednesday for a few tests, etc then I think there is at least one more interview after that.

    I was going to stay where I am, but when this opportunity came up it started my brain ticking.... Why stay in a job where any advancement isn't anything like the career path you want? I already know at least one person there too, he left company I'm currently with only a few weeks ago (on account of dragon boss), he's very happy there and we got along like a house on fire. On top of all this, my take home pay would be at least $100 a week more than my current job, with the same hours.

    Fingers crossed!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good Day All!

    Thank you for your comments on the day's activities thus far.


    Speaking of "house on fire," I was shocked to see splashed across the morning paper "Tahoe Fire Guts 165 Homes; Hundreds Flee"! I was there exactly one week ago and it was a beautiful, happy place. I feel so sad for the loss and upheaval to the residents and the destruction of the landscape. Fires serve a need in nature's scheme of things, but people and their structures seem to be inexorably in the path of her fury. Ironic, too, that an East Coast resident whom I met on a walk in Tahoe suffered a major fire and loss of life in her hometown the next day.
    One day at a time is about all I can deal with.

    Yes, BB and SE, the rain never seems to be where it is needed, when it is needed. Too little, too late, or not at all. Alliterative arachnids are aweaving. Stay dry and safe, Cave-dweller.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Hi CoCo, it's a new day, hope things are well with you. Emo - have you been carried away with the rain water? Fingers are crossed for you bringen.

    Beautiful sunrise this morning again, shades of gold, yellow and pink. Quiet and peaceful at the river. I could smell the horses at a farm up and across the river this morning, brought back memories of my childhood on the farm. The Blue Heron was there at the river again, watching me. I was amazed he didn't fly away, they really are solitary creatures. The fish were really jumping in the river today, there was a small school of about a dozen or so really enjoying whatever insects they were catching at the water's surface. Then it was run back home and get ready for a workshop/seminar I had to attend this morning. Ater that I took a drive out to the country and bought some fresh picked strawberries, yummmy. I'll put some in the freezer for the winter, and make some jam with the rest.

    It's a hot hot day here today again, 40C with the humidex.

    Have a good one everybody, stay safe, dry, warm, and always happy!


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