Did the heavenly calling cease in 1935? Not anymore!

by AnnOMaly 288 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chuck Love
    Chuck Love

    Hi Gang. I wrote a book 20 questions Jehovah's witnesses cannot answer. I just did 2 programs on the Daystar TV network which reaches into 70 million homes. I sent each member of the Governing Body a copy. I still have friends in Brooklyn, and I understand the book gave the GB fits. Now the change in the 1935 date, which was one of my questions. They will have to change the 1914 date and of course then the GB structure will have to go to the Great Crowd, or now with the new light they may be able to draw from newbee annointed. If we can keep the pressure up, who knows the whole thing could change!! God Bless you all. Keep up the pressure and the publicity!! It works on this new GB! Chuck Love

  • skeeter1

    I think someone should put together a small,short article to give to current JWs about this new "revelation" and the conradictions. An article that is easy to understand for the dubs. Anyone willing to write it?

    If it was one page, I could print it out & "deliver" it to the cars in the KH around the corner.


  • Oroborus21

    Greetings All:

    I've been discussing this and expecting something like this for a while now. It may not feel like it now, but this "adjustment" is bigger in terms of consequence than the abandonment of the Generation Doctrine.

    Blondie hit it on the head when she said:

    Looks like they are also pushing out the date of the great tribulation which they say here has to come before the last "anointed" dies. The younger the anointed the later in the future the GT can be.

    The previous position of 1935 being the approximate time when the number of the 144,000 anointed were "sealed" (just the latest version of the Shut-Door doctrine) created what I call "The Last Biological Clock" doctrine in the WT.

    In summary, the previous JW teachings created a ticking alarm clock in which the GT/Armageddon had to occur during the lifetime of the present 8000+ anointed due to the companion belief/teaching that some of these would still be alive at the conclusion of the GT/Armageddon and the beginning of the Millennial Reign.

    Something had to give and I suspected, and even predicted, that it would be the abandonment of the 1935 date.

    The immediate consequence of this action is that the non-occurrence of the GT/Armageddon in the present 8000+ anointed lives will be accepted. Also, the continued policy of "replacements" for the anointed can be maintained.

    This is like hitting the "snooze" button on the alarm clock. As to how many times R&F witnesses will tolerate it, that remains to be seen.

    My prediction like others have said is that the literal 144,000 teaching will be changed to the number being a "symbolic" one, that is it being a symbol of perfect completeness. That will likely be the next major change along these lines of doctrine.

    Additionally, the 1914 doctrine will be finally discarded probably about 2017-8. (assuming the present system of things doesn't end on 12-21-12 of course! :-)

    All of this just goes to reinforce that it is not these doctrines which are the foundational doctrines of the WT Org power but rather it is the FDS Doctrine. It is that doctrine that all persons in and out of the Organization must work to change in order to push forward the Revolution which is the future of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    -Eduardo Leaton Jr.

  • Oroborus21

    PS: So that this change is not taken casually or overlooked, I urge all persons to write or contact their JW friends and family and call there attention to the May 1, WT Questions from Readers....

  • undercover
    So that this change is not taken casually or overlooked, I urge all persons to write or contact their JW friends and family and call there attention to the May 1, WT Questions from Readers....

    Unfortunately, I don't think most JWs are going to even bat an eyelid over this. The newer generations don't pay a lot of attention to all those old dates that used to get thrown around back when I was younger and still active. I bet most JWs under the age of 35 can't even explain what significance 1935 plays in doctrine. And many of those in their 40s or older are locked in pretty tight and accept whatever the GB spoon feeds them.

    It will push some who were having some issues with some of the doctrines into some independant thought, but the vast majority are going to not their head in agreement and forget they ever read it.

    But it does add to the arsenal of the list of ever changing doctrine, if we ever have the oppurtunity to share that with any who might listen.

  • badboy


  • hawkaw
    This is like hitting the "snooze" button on the alarm clock.

    This would be funny if it weren't for all the JWs who needlessly sacrifice the health and lives of themselves or others for this leadership through refusal of certain blood therapies, covering up for child abuse and practicing creed bigotry (shunning etc.).

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    As I said earlier this is some B.S. You know what is really funny tho? the R&F witness has no idea this refinement is going on and even when they do get the rag, who reads questions from reader's. We as ex and on the way out witnesses will discuss extrapolate and analize this more than any elder will.

    kinda mess up aint it.

  • heathen

    I doubt they will give up the 144k literal number because it wouldn't make any sense to anybody reading revelation , it says 144k sealed and then mentions a great crowd that nobody was able to number making it to the kingdom .They can't give up 1914 altogether either , since this is the date they chose for the end of gentile times , then they would have to come up with another date somehow . Really all you have to do is read the mathew 24 without WTBTS dogma and it's obvious that there was no promise of eternal life to the "this generation" in it . It goes on to talk about the presence of the son of man and that jesus did not know the day or hour of the final end . So just a little fine tuning can send that one into a "new light".

  • Paralipomenon

    Very interesting.

    An article that encourages more people to partake of the emblems, a memorial talk outline change that emphasizes not taking the emblems.

    You know what they're doing? They're setting up the R&F to take the fall for the next new light.

    Numbers will be higher for this memorial that will skew the stats. Then they can introduce not tracking the memorial partakers as a disciplinary measure.

    "This number includes bible studies and visitors that are unfamiliar with the proper way to conduct themselves at the memorial. In fact, some have taken to murmuring that the end is not close because of rise in memorial partakers. This is not in accord with proper Christian thinking. Doesn't Satan use every tool available to try to trick us in this time of the end?"

    Tracking is gone, R&F are disappointed with the change, but understand it is necessary for those who are "spiritually weak". The end is still near, people partaking of the emblems will be gossiped about and blamed for inflating the stat that forced the GB to take action.

    Life goes on.

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