by airwlk149 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • airwlk149

    geez- does gossip spread in j dub land. last night when i got home there was a message from a jw friend asking me to call her. well, i did and she had heard that i had moved in with a "worldly" person and asked me how i was, etc... i asked her where she had heard that and she told me so&so told her. i asked who told so&so and she said that another person told so&so. i mean news travels fast within a circut. everyone is talking about poor weak katie who just got reinstated and now she turns her back on her family to live with a "worldly" person. i told my "issue" that and it made her mad. she isn't "worldly" she just is non-jw (which in my opinion is a good thing to be) so yeah- jehovah's witnesses have a problem with too much gossip. they have too much time on their hands (they should be "going out in service" if they have too much time...)

    thanks for reading! :)

  • Gopher


    Of course you are exactly right. Gossip and slander seem to go on unpunished in dub land. Apparently doing those things give you MORE power in the 'brotherhood', as you can step on the carcasses of ruined reputations to enhance your own!!

    But your last sentence is ironic--they should be 'going out in service' if they have too much time....Funny, a lot of service time (especially among female pioneers) seems to be spent in gossiping, ruining the reputations of other members not present in the ministry that day.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Xandria

    Sort of reminds you of telephone.... hum.

  • butalbee

    They thrive on gossip. It makes me sick.

  • Valis

    As well, many young JWs think they can confide in their peers and find out the horrible reality of that assumption at a Judicial Committee. That's what happens when a brother or sister is told something in confidence and can't keep from telling someone else. This is justtified as a matter of conscience in many cases, which shows the level of control the group has over the individual. What kind of choice do they have? Loyalty to Jehovah or loyalty to a friend who has confided in them? I'm not talking about crimes either....I'm talking about things young people do like kiss and mess around, or get drunk, engage in activity that is viewed "unwholesome", ect... I wouldn't even wish the JWs on Freddie or You Know....well maybe..*L*


    District Overbeer

  • Imbue

    Hmm...Gossip about DF'd DA'd persons is permitted by all JWs including elders and their wives. You cannot slander a DF/DA'd person only fellow believers!

    Edited by - imbue on 27 June 2002 17:23:37

  • razkat

    Hehe the JWs are no different than anyone else in the world.They are the worst gossipers and hypocrites there are.razkat

  • Mattieu

    Well hello & welcome Razkat! You have certainly chosen a novel way to introduce yourself - comment on posts from 8 & 9 years ago, you have a lot of catching up to do, see you in 2018! Cheers, mattieu....

    PS - When I started lurking on this site, some of the old posts made more sense then if I had have read them when they were posted. Check out Lady Lees best of posts.. look forward to hearing your story...

  • isaacaustin
  • AgentSmith

    Mrs Smith and I was lucky to fade, without too much attention drawn to us. We did however get more courage later on, but we made sure the family was not aware of what we were up to.

    During the Dec holidays in 2008 we had the expected run-in with my PO father, and Brother in law (also and elder). We said our bit, and they represented the BORG very well. And at first it seemed as if they kept the fact that we were 'out' to themselves. No call from the local elders, elders from our last congregation, no JC, nothing.

    Recently I received an e mail. Suddenly I get asked if I am d'fed. From a person that now lives 15 000km away. Also, I have not spoken to this person for 20 years or so.

    Why now? What is so interesting that you need to know? 20years+ later? How did you find out??

    It took me a few minutes to figure out how the rumour travelled from person to person. Despite the humiliation that his/her son/brother has gone 'apostate', they still spoke about it, and it ended up on another continent.

    Aaah gossip.... it's all good.

    Screw what James had to say about a little flame that can cause damage. Only applies inside the cong, everyone else is fair game.


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