by Andy C 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abandoned
    NO, I don't. I do recognize how amazing the universe is, but if it was created, I don't see any evidence that the creator has made any attempt to communicate with mankind. If he ever does, I'm sure it will be a message for everyone and be understandable to all. In the mean time, I don't see how meditating on the exact nature of a flying teapot is going to benefit me or anyone around me. In fact, if I look back over my years of service to this still invisible teapot, I was just spinning my tires.

    After re-reading what I wrote, I can see how you made the comment you made. What I meant was not that communication is the key, but that if there was a communication from an all-powerful being it would be understood by all. So clarity would be important. The current proofs given for god's existence, the bible, beauty, love, sex, and the rest are all things that may or may not be from a god.

    We have awesome things and horrible things. If the great things prove there's a god than the bad things prove he's a jerk. What they do prove is that life contains good and bad. For a being to claim to be behind all the good things in the universe and push all the bad things off onto some other being or beings is reckless in the extreme.

  • searching4truth
    "Nugoddallupinus" or somesuch.


    I guess I still believe in a god of sort but maybe I just want to

  • dh

    The question is too broad since the whole deal of what 'God' is, is undefined. I do not believe in any God I've read about or heard about or that religions workship, because they are so varied and unprovable. The way I see it is that if you have to define what something is and then seek to prove or disprove whether it exists, and if you can't do that, then it's blind faith, which works for some people but not me. So no, I don't believe there is a being that is seperate to us that runs all of this stuff, and if there was I would say such a being was abhorrant (good JW word haha).

  • tijkmo
    "If you want to touch the sky, you gotta learn how to kneel. On your knees, boy!" --Bono (God?)

    haha.......you beat me to it

    tijkmo of the ongoing great minds/fools debate class

  • Xena
    After re-reading what I wrote, I can see how you made the comment you made. What I meant was not that communication is the key, but that if there was a communication from an all-powerful being it would be understood by all. So clarity would be important. The current proofs given for god's existence, the bible, beauty, love, sex, and the rest are all things that may or may not be from a god.

    Ok I get your point about communication now. But look at the communication between us on this thread. Between two people who have a pretty good channel of communication to use and who understand how it works ie the written word on a discussion board. And yet there was still miscommunication of our ideas. We both perceived that what we were saying was or should be clear to the other but it obviously wasn't.

    You find that in relationships all the time. Or at least I do. We preceive that what we are saying is chrystal clear because it is to us however the other person totally misunderstands us. So I can't help but wonder at times if this happens between us as humans why do we expect communication with a "god" to be a piece of cake? And again this is taking the concept of "god" outside the traditional guise.

    We have awesome things and horrible things. If the great things prove there's a god than the bad things prove he's a jerk. What they do prove is that life contains good and bad. For a being to claim to be behind all the good things in the universe and push all the bad things off onto some other being or beings is reckless in the extreme.

    I agree but then again it's us as humans who are deciding what to attribute to "god".

    If you can't tell I'm not totally on board with believing in "god" but I'm also not going to totally discount the idea of some type of "god". As dh stated it's an extremely broad, large and undefined concept. He prefers to err on the side of nonbelief, which I respect, and I prefer to err on the side of possibility. I guess being a JW gave me an adversion to slamming doors.

  • DanTheMan

    What is God made out of?

    How did God come into existence?

    Where is God?

    The day somebody can give me some concrete answers to these questions, answers that do not involve circular reasoning, or appeals to ignorance, or dogmatic statements, is the day I'll start believing.

  • diamondblue1974

    post in error by sirona

  • Sirona


    Give me concrete evidence against any type of "god" or concept of "god" Six.

    Applying the "burden of proof" concept, it would not be for someone to prove God doesn't exist, rather it would be for the staunch believer to prove that God does exist. This article explains the concept adequately http://www.freethoughtdebater.com/FBurdenOfProof.htm It is my opinion that proof of God will elude us, perhaps until the human race develops further. Thats just an idea of mine, of course, and I have no evidence one way or another! My own subjective experiences tell me that there is a higher power which is anthropomorphized. Sirona

  • Xena



    Give me concrete evidence against any type of "god" or concept of "god" Six.
    Applying the "burden of proof" concept, it would not be for someone to prove God doesn't exist, rather it would be for the staunch believer to prove that God does exist.

    I was referring to this post by six when I made that comment

    No. No evidence for, tons of evidence against.

    If you say you have evidence for something I believe it's entirely correct for me to be able to ask you to show it. Yes?

  • Sirona
    I was referring to this post by six when I made that comment

    I know you were.

    If you say you have evidence for something I believe it's entirely correct for me to be able to ask you to show it. Yes?

    Indeed. I see where you are coming from now; Six had asserted that he had lots of evidence against the existence of God and you were merely asking for him to state what evidence he had. I'd like to see his evidence, in that case!


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