Hypothetical ? for u. What if armageddon really did come...

by *jeremiah* 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MeneMene

    I decided a long time ago I'd rather be dead than live forever with the JWs I knew. I just hope they are right about Hell being the grave. I'm not afraid of dying. I just don't like being HOT. (So how did I end up in the desert?)

  • Steam

    This post is for Lowden of UK.

    You lack understanding of what is being done by God. You should read the books written by Pastor Russell called "Studies in the Scriptures".

    We are living thru "The Permission of Evil".. Sin has been allowed to prevail for six thousand years and in the seventh thousand years it will be stopped. By Christ's Kingdom.

    Try to see the BIG PICTURE.

    God is going to put creatures on billions of planets. He will rule in righteousness. Justice will be the norm.

    When disobedience showed its self; God decided that it would be used as an illustration of the consequences of sin, how horrible that could become. Satan was put on planet earth because of his blatant ambition to replace God and the actions he committed in acquiring gemstones to wear on his body.

    Then the first animal with reasoning ability, Adam, was created on planet earth. You know the story about Eve and the serpent. Instigated by Satan with the first lie. Satan didn't have to grasp for power but he did. Adam didn't have to eat the fruit but he did.

    The consequences of that small sin that Adam committed have been tremendous; we, the human race are the victims, we have had to suffer thru the results. We are the Pioneers of the Universe.

    God had a plan whereby he would recover as many as possible from sin and death. We call it "salvation". Eventuall;y most of the human race will receive eternal human life. Also from this sinner race God is making his own family, the called out class, the Church, the 144,000. There will be a great multitude who receive spirit life and serve in God's authority.. Further knowledge of God's Plans is limited; till we reach the 8th Creative Day.

    God's Justice demands that a sinner must die. He is trying to teach us about this terrible thing called death. He has the power to bring back one and all to life. Killing one or a thousand is no extreme thing to him. He has set many examples in the Bible of what he can do and what he will do under certain circumstances. This is God's Experimental Farm, some things work out well and some may not. But God has put on a great demonstration of his righteousness and his power over thousands of years. Even the angels have been affected and they have been observers of these things also.

    When other creatures are put on other planets they will be instructed about Justice and Death by what happened to Adam's family. Sin will not be permitted, summary Justice will prevail. Being perfect they will be well instructed without practicing sin. If one does sin, bang he dies. Immediately. God is not going to allow sin in his Universe. Somewhere an illustration had to be made and that somewhere is on planet earth.

    I suggest strongly that you stop bad mouthing God or Jesus. You are inviting disaster.

    Steam Psalm 50:5

  • lowden

    I suggest strongly that you stop bad mouthing God or Jesus. You are inviting disaster.

    Don't threaten me FASCIST!!!

    Your god and your jesus saviour mean NOTHING to me as i spit in the face of ANY such vile, disgusting tyrants.

    Enjoy your sad life. If i die, then i shall be happy to if it has anything to do with your genocidal maniac god.

    Don't you DARE preach to me!!

    Hitler would be proud of you.



  • kbaby

    When Armageddon does come I would rather be right than wrong in beliving about Jesus christ as my savior. I am not Jehovah witness but a true christian. kbaby

  • purplesofa
    This is God's Experimental Farm, some things work out well and some may not.

    I just had to point out this statement. Where did that come from? You can pm me.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Steam you mention to look at the big picture and than proceed to reason using the universal court case analogy. Most of us were taught this analogy, but sadly it does not hold water under the scrutiny of logic and common sense. You say that god took the opportunity of adams sin to settle the issue for once and all. That all sinners must die and when god settles other planets, these folk will learn about adam and be warned how that if they sin it will result in there death. Now I must ask you this simple question. Why is it that Eons into God's new system of things there will still be the prospect of sin? Surely after some 6000 + years of suffering, followed by the 1000 year reign, and the last test of satan, sin should be done away with. Revelation tells us that the former things will not be brought to mind. How is it that so very deep into Gods new system, people on other worlds will need to learn about adam as a warning of the consequences of their actions? This deep reasoning is why the Societies claim of universal sovereignty doesn't hold water. The claim that satan challenge god and god had to let satan have his 'day in court' if you will, Is bogus. God above all other thing's is suspose to be first and foremost our creator and father. As such legalistic analogies are thrown out the window because as our father God must act with love and empathy. It is a natural inclination for a son to challenge his father in some way (sports,video games, things of a competitive nature.) This is simply a part of becoming a man, you challenge yourself against your Ideal of what being a man is, namely your father. If we question God our father it is only so we may properly live up to our idea of what it is to be perfect. Now when we fall short of the challenge is it fair to be harshly punished for trying to live up to the ideals that were presented for us to uphold. There are times in life when a parent must allow a child to try something that the parent knows will fail. Why? So that the child may learn and grow from the experience. But, never will a loving parent allow a child to continue along a path that will harm the child. He will step in and show the child the error of his ways before he would allow any harm to come to the child. If God is truly our father and creator, He should have stopped adam before the sin occured. On a side note, I love the way the geneses account paints god as not knowing what happened when he called adam about the breezy part of the day. A loving God would have steped in, showed satan for the liar and manipulator that he is. Took care of satan right then and there, and showed adam the error of his ways and corrected him. That would have been loving. That would have been just. But because such a story cannot be used to instill fear in some one (and its a known fact you cant control without fear) we are led to believe a different story. One that can stretch down throughout the millenia's, and keep mans mind enslaved.

  • lowden

    Darth Frosty

    Took care of satan right then and there, and showed adam the error of his ways and corrected him. That would have been loving. That would have been just. But because such a story cannot be used to instill fear in some one (and its a known fact you cant control without fear) we are led to believe a different story. One that can stretch down throughout the millenia's, and keep mans mind enslaved.

    I tip my hat, for your words are of a sensible and just mind.



  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Thx I have my moments. I wish I could have kept the paragraph's spaced. I use mozilla and even when you use the automatic cr tab it doesn't keep the division.

  • PrimateDave

    Hi Darth, well said. But, you know you're just preaching to the choir, so to speak. That kind is neck deep in you-know-what and thinks it smells like a bed of roses. If you want to space your paragraphs in Mozilla/Firefox, type in <br><br> at the end or beginning of a paragraph to give a one line spaceing. Use more <br> to get more lines. Just leave the HTML formatting box checked and don't worry about the Automatic Cr/Lf box. Dave

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Thx Ill

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