How many are like me?

by JH 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH
    What do you think???

    My guess is as good as yours

    I don't know how God will bring people back to life. Maybe some kind of magic trick.

  • z

    On the dash board 290km but I drove it to 200km didn’t know. after some time driving I was scar s****t hehehe

  • Warlock

    I pretty much believe like you.


  • Moomin

    Hi Star Moore, I found out that the original Bible Students that didn't follow Rutherford and become witnesses are still active to this day. They also believe in Charles Russell as being chosen as slave. I think their website is

    I feel a bit fed-up with viewing other humans as something special or chosen somehow. I feel a bit guilty about that sometimes as what do I know?, maybe there are special humans that will go to heaven or are slaves that have a purpose.

    I think I am bitter as I treated elders, co's and annointed ones with a fearful respect and let them treat me and watch as they treat others with disdain. Then when I find out the truth, they are just normal, sinful, individuals just like myself but much ruder. lol

    Sometimes I would wonder about the annointed ones. If there is about 6 billion people on the earth, thats just at this time now, what about all the time that could have past already. I wonder how many people have ever existed. So what kind of person would you have to be to be one of 144k? Pretty bloody special I guess.

  • dedpoet

    No, I don't believe anymore, I'm an atheist nowadays. I was an atheist before I entered jwland, and I wish I'd stayed that way.

  • Tuesday

    Eh, minus the last 4 I'd say we're alike.

  • TopHat

    I am still trying to work it all out as far as what I believe and do not believe...I totally reject anything the GB has taught and want to start with a fresh slate. I read the scriptures and ask God for his Holy Spirit to guide me through to understanding. That is all I can do.

    I have personally come up some ideas about some books in the Bible canon as to weather they belong in the canon or not. I had those thoughs while still under the influence of WTS.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    How many are like me?

    You mean a large white rat with 'JH' emblems in his teeth. Not me!!!!!!!!


  • Moomin

    AK-Jeff - is that you in the avatar?

  • Quandry

    Yes, just like you. Just couldn't stand the hypocrisy of the U.N. thing, and of course the way many in authority lord it over others as if they did not sin. Of course, there are also the false prophesies, and the doctrinal flip flops. But the core things you mentioned, yes, still believe them (or want to think they are true).

    Guess that's why I chose the name Quandry as I am still in one. The main thing I believe is that Jesus died for me and that he never condoned treating anyone in the self-righteous way many of the modern day Pharisees in the WTS do. Would he condone df'ing people for the mere knowledge that the WT was involved in the UN? I hardly think so. I also think he is very angry that the WT would possibly cover up the scandal of molestation of children.

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