The Gentiles Times Reconsidered--Again but this Time By Using the Bible

by thirdwitness 1380 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuldSoul

    I was under the impression that Fisherman had read COC. Perhaps I was mistaken. I think many JWs discount that accounting in favor of the prettier picture painted in the publications.

  • Fisherman


    I want to say that you concede that you only heard second hand informatiom from x Btls you admit. You did not know the man and you were not in bb when this happend. "Obviously" you conclude, or is that an opinion? I bought the 2 books rf. I know that story but I will read the books objectively.

    Everyone has enemies, even Jesus had them. NHK had them too His enemies do not say nice things about him. Not comparing NHK to him, but all you are saying is hearsay according to you. You do not have all of the facts or do you?

  • fjtoth


    Everyone has enemies, even Jesus had them. NHK had them too His enemies do not say nice things about him. Not comparing NHK to him, but all you are saying is hearsay according to you. You do not have all of the facts or do you?

    I think the question ought to be: How much do YOU know? You seem quite intent on defending a gruff and bossy man to the extent of even bringing up Jesus' name for comparison. Persons who truly knew NHK would not say mainly "nice things about him" unless they were afflicted with the hero worship that many JWs render toward members of their governing body. Such adulation of sinful men must most certainly be repulsive to God and Christ.


  • Fisherman


    You are right many jws do not consider what RF has to say except those individuals who loved and admired the man and who have their own opinions.

  • Fisherman

    erroneos thinking is exposed. You are making a big deal about me using Jesus here. Onllt to show that Even Jesus who performed miracles had enemies, how much more knh no matter how good he was. Thats the point.

    Anyway, I have stated previously that I view AF highly. At the very least, I give consideration to his comments.

  • fjtoth

    Fisherman, What I object to is your labeling me and others as enemies of NHK. We never treated him as an enemy or viewed him as such. But we did observe the way he treated others. I find it objectionable that you defend his mistreatment of others when you were not even there and you did not even know the man as some of us did. However, I think it's amusing that my letter has been up on the internet for 12 years and you are the first person in all those years to challenge it. Your contradiction could be taken seriously if it wasn't based upon mere hearsay. Frank

  • Fisherman

    Is that what you thinkFJ?

    Sorry though, If I did not make my self clear, I did not mean to imply that you are an enemy of bk. THat is not what I meant. I want to make that clear. Anyway not everyone agrees that NHK is as you describe at least not me.

  • Fisherman


    I noticed that you are 70 years old. I did not mean any disrespect when I said erroneos thinking. If you served with bk your views are important too but I have a different viw of nhk which are not based on heresay or public opinion. Lets leave it at that.

  • fjtoth


    Lets leave it at that.

    Just remember that you were the one who raised the issue. You are a person who didn't know NHK personally, and you challenged someone who did know him personally. If you wanted to accuse me of lying about NHK, you should have offered some kind of evidence or proof. All you've offered is an opinion, and I don't think that's good enough.


  • Fisherman


    Respectfully, I have read your last comment.

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