What are your reasons for not joining another religion?

by MARTINLEYSHON 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • target

    I stopped believing the Bible-hence no need for religion. You are supposed to learn from your mistakes.


  • yucca

    I didnt have to join a church. Calvary chapel churches you dont join . If you go to their church you are a member. Thats where I really learned the scriptures, the truth and the Love of Jesus. I now have a close personal relationship with Jesus.

  • barry

    From an outsider like myself Im suprised no one has mentioned the trinity doctrine I thought that would be a big factor

  • codeblue

    I consider myself "spiritual"....not religious.

    I don't feel a need for a religion. Religions have their own set of rules not even Bible based. I don't need a religion to be "spiritual" or have a relationship with God or his son.

    So no, I will never join another religion.

  • dido

    I`m not in a hurry to be controlled by any other religion, all want to exercise some sort over your life, what to believe what to think, etc.I can now think for myself, make decisions for myself, (even if they are the wrong ones) it`s called freedom!

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    I wanted to join the Lutheran ELCA cong in our new neighborhood. I visited with my boyfriend but I haven't been able to make myself visit for months. My boyfriend is upset at times, like Easter. I just can't accept that any organized religion is going to be beneficial to me. Not only that, I am enjoying not having to get up and go to church on Sunday. It feels like a luxury to me. A bonus day I never got to enjoy before. I brew my coffee, get my paper and sit on the covered second story deck and enjoy the woods, birds and wildlife. Usually my boyfriend joins me and we have a great time together and talk a lot. I can't bring myself to get up early or dress up (no jeans at this church) even if my boyfriend tries to bribe me with going out to breakfast, etc. I am not closed-minded. Perhaps in time. Until then, I will enjoy my Sundays, as is - in my PJs - in relaxed mode.

  • KimberB

    I have found that what I'm more comfortable believing is from a more spiritual approach, rather than a religeous approach. I believe in a higher power, but not necessarily the bible. I believe in reincarnation. The best book I ever read on the subject was called Journey of Souls. These beliefs are not your typical religeous church going beliefs. I believe it was better said.... I too...." am all religeoned out"...it wears me out just thinking of religeon and the bible. I've been to a couple of services, but just never felt the urge to stay....I even tried praying, but to no avail. It is just no longer in me.

    I believe church is good for those who need it, I just feel I'm over it.

  • GoingGoingGone

    When I first left the JWs, I had a burning desire to find out what God really wanted me to do. I figured that there must be a true way to worship him, and I had become convinced that it wasn't the JWs... so what was it?

    I've frequented all kinds of christian discussion boards. I've been to a couple different churches. I've looked into Catholicism, quite deeply in fact (I was born into a Catholic family), and have attended Mass, even gone to Confession for good measure. And I've spent embarrassing amounts of time on this site, reading every single thing.

    At this point, I'm at the place where I can't dismiss a belief in some Higher Being, a Creator, but I don't think I believe that the Bible is inspired by that Higher Being necessarilly. Way too much inconsistency. In fact, I'm not even sure that Christianity is the right way to worship God. But I'm not the least bit interested in looking into every single possibility anymore. If God had a specific way he wanted to be worshiped, and it was that important to him, I'm certian that he would have made it much easier for humans to figure out.

    So.... for now, I believe in God, but not in religion having the answers about how to serve him. But I still consider myself a work in progress.


  • Gregor

    No more organized superstition for me. It's a constant effort to keep free floating, ingrained superstition in perspective.

  • justsomedude
    Because worshipping invisible beings that have esoteric impact on your life is socially accepted insanity.


    If there is a god and he(?) wants something from me, he can come down here and tell me. I wont be taking anyones word for it at this point.

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