by MacHislopp 501 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • dungbeetle

    An address to send correspondance regarding an NGO

    NGO Section
    Mr. Paul Hoeffel
    Department of Public Information
    Room S-1070 L
    New York, NY 10017, USA
    Tel: (212) 963-6842
    Fax: (212) 963-6914

    dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.

  • MadApostate

    DPI Callers:

    Please ask for the names of the WTS's current "MAIN REPRESENTATIVE" and "ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE".

    Also, ask for names of any previous holders of these positions.

    Please also ask what "conferences" the WTS has been approved/certified to attend and participate?

    Ask if DPI can provide copies of:
    -initial application.
    -financial statements.
    -submitted examples of info dissemination.
    -anything else they are willing to release.

  • MadApostate

    For those who have asked the question, "Why did the WTS seek and obtain 'NGO associative status' with the UN-DPI", it seems that such is just one element of a much larger plan to involve itself in the worldly quasi-political affairs so as to proactively affect global public opinion about JWs/WTS sufficiently to obtain as much freedom as possible to carry on "the kindom work".

    Here is an excerpt from a October 1999 "human rights" conference conducted by the Australian government. My excerpt only includes WTS's comments which seem to explain what the WTS is up to. (I suggest reading the entire portion of the transcript which relates to the WTS. There are some "nice" comments from one of the Aussie politicians indicating that the WTS stand on blood atually violates human rights, etc. Here is the link: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:IkJ8-ub0ZAk:www.aph.gov.au/hansard/joint/commttee/j2444.pdf+ngo+australia+jehovah%27s+%22human+rights%22+quebec&hl=en )

    MacLEAN, Mr Donald Howard, Director, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia

    TOOLE, Mr Vincent Joseph, Legal Officer, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia

    CHAIR-On behalf of the subcommittee I welcome representatives of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The subcommittee prefers that all evidence be given in public but should you at any stage wish to give evidence in private you may ask to do so and the committee will give consideration to your request.

    Although the committee does not require you to give evidence on oath, I should advise you that these hearings are legal proceedings of the parliament and therefore have the same standing as proceedings of the House itself. I invite you to make a short opening statement if you wish and we will then proceed to questions.

    Mr MacLean-I would like to express appreciation for coming before the committee. Most religions espouse principles of tolerance and morality and thus the free practice of religion can promote stability within a community.

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights show that the international community believes religious freedom to be of very considerable importance. Nevertheless, throughout the world religious intolerance continues and is increasing.

    As far as Jehovah's Witnesses are concerned, the intolerance is exhibited by both secular authorities and religious groups. So we must, at the outset, say that much of the discrimination against Jehovah's Witnesses by governments is supported or instigated by other religions. While Jehovah's Witnesses stay clear of politics and do not try to use religious influence to steer or control governments, this is not the case with many major and minor religions.

    In our submission we directed attention to some conspicuous examples of discrimination against Jehovah's Witnesses. We did so to highlight failings within the systems in which they occur. For example, a parliamentary inquiry into dangerous religious sects in France obtained its information about Jehovah's Witnesses from those who oppose us, and they did not seek or accept information from the Witnesses themselves. Thus the published report was based on misinformation.

    We believe that discrimination seldom occurs in a vacuum. Thus, to eradicate religious intolerance, the climate for religious tolerance must first be improved. There also has to be an international and unbiased source of reliable information on religions, on their beliefs and practices.

    Religious discrimination and persecution is often based also on fear. Fear is often based on inaccurate information. For example, one hears of the Jonestown mass suicide and the Waco Texas massacre and assumes that, because Jehovah's Witnesses are zealous in their
    religious worship, they promote blind loyalty and members would commit suicide.

    Despite the guarantees of religious freedom contained in the Constitution of Singapore, Jehovah's Witnesses are under a ban in that country. Their religious and morally up-building literature, including copies of the authorised King James version of the Bible published by the Watchtower Society, and publications that are freely distributed throughout Australia and much of the rest of the world, are considered `undesirable publications´.

    This action by the Singapore government is based on the stand taken by the Witnesses to remain neutral in military and political matters. In most countries, authorities have come to realise that the Jehovah's Witnesses' position in this regard poses no real threat to national security. Individuals have been imprisoned-some have lost their jobs-and the courts have not upheld their rights under Singapore's constitution. So that is Singapore.

    Despite the guarantee of freedom of religion found in article 28 of the 1993 Russian constitution, Russia has recently enacted legislation restricting the activity of religions considered to be `foreign´ or `new´. While Jehovah's Witnesses have been accepted for registration recently as a recognised religion in Russia, attempts have been made to close meetings and disrupt religious activities, and the clergy of the traditional faiths support and vigorously advocate these measures in Russia.

    Several criminal investigations have been brought against the Moscow congregation but each investigation has been closed because the allegations were demonstrated to be false. At this time a civil prosecution is continuing and seems to be putting non-orthodox theological beliefs on trial rather than adhering to the rule of law or allowing freedom of belief in that country.

    In France and throughout Europe there is a move to impose crippling taxes on Jehovah's Witnesses. We have been in France now for over a hundred years and we are the third largest Christian religion in that country. The French government is currently attempting to impose a 60 per cent tax on all donations made to Jehovah's Witnesses. The tax is imposed
    on no other religious organisation. This action is based on a report which classified Jehovah's Witnesses as not being a religion but rather a sect-and this is the land of liberty, equality and fraternity, as you know.

    From time to time we have received support from non-government organisations, particularly in exposing the persecution. We have also received support from the American embassy, the US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, and the President's wife, Hillary Clinton. However if any international steps taken by Australia in support of religious freedom are to be truly effective, Australia needs to consider whether it is upholding the principles of religious freedom at home. I just give two examples highlighting something in our submissions to the committee. Firstly, we notice that the present Australian state laws permit blood transfusions to be administered to minors without parental consent and, secondly, we note the discriminatory manner in which adoption laws are applied to Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia.

    In summary, we believe that at home the Australian legislation should be amended to permit parents to obtain medical treatment for their children without violating their conscience and to prevent religious discrimination in child adoption. This may include clarification of section 116 of the Australian Constitution. Abroad, we believe that Australia could be actively aware of religious discrimination and be prepared to make representation and speak out against violations of freedom of religion. Perhaps we could see non- government organisations supporting this work, particularly as a watchdog of religious freedom, but we believe the Australian government must at least voice strong objections to these violations.
    way. Perhaps Mr Toole might like to make some comments about that.
    ........Lengthy comments.........

    Senator PAYNE-The serious question is in relation to your detailed submission on violations against your religion in various parts of the world-France in particular, but you go on to mention Eritrea, Armenia, Singapore and so on. There are a number of human rights organisations and human rights activist organisations in the world, such as Amnesty, with whom we met earlier this morning. When you put forward to this committee examples like this of violations of religious freedom, do you work with organisations like that in countries? Do you approach them for support to assist your members or your associates with these problems, or do you campaign alone to look after them and help them?

    Mr Toole-We will take all the help we can get-anybody at all that is prepared to stand up and be counted. For example, in those court cases in Singapore, Amnesty, as I understand, came and sat down in those cases and listened to all that was presented there. They came to us for information. We supplied every bit of information we possibly could to try and assist. We feel that at the end of the day that is probably one of the means that could be promoted to a much greater degree to try and address these issues, because what ends up happening, as Mr MacLean's opening highlighted, is that you end up with a lot of misinformation and disinformation about things. If I wanted to know about you, I would not go and speak to someone who has got some other agenda that is opposed to you.

    Senator PAYNE-There would be many who would help you with that.

    Mr Toole-But I think it would be appropriate to come to you and to people who can look at your situation objectively. So an organisation like Amnesty International, who one would think does not have a hidden agenda or some other agenda, is prepared to objectively look at what is the position and then can make a report to those various organisations that are, in fact, working difficulties on our people and other religious groups as well. It would be considered a non-partisan group who would be very much in a position to be able to have a real input.

    We have this situation in Europe where we are categorised as almost something out of a science fiction movie in some of these places, in some of these newspaper articles. People are happy to take that aboard and then act on that basis even at governmental level. It is an extraordinary proposition. Yet we feel that organisations like Amnesty should be approached and should be fed information, for want of a better word, so that they can then make representations to those governments as an objective body that really is just objectively endeavouring to present the facts.


  • hawkaw

    Good morning folks.

    Thanks for the information Mad Apostate and Tina. I will be in touch with db later this afternoon via telephone and then we will go from there. I hope Zev is reading this too and maybe if he wants to get a second letter ready to rock and roll.

    For everyone's information, I have received something from a former insider in the Watchtower family. You will have to take my word that this person is on the up here but I can assure you they know what they are talking about.

    The person indicated the following:

    In and around 1991 and 1992 an assigned Writing staff person would go to the UN whenever something of interest was going on and he would be allowed in.

    Apparently this assigned Watchtower writer got a press pass for only certain special meetings at the UNited Nations only. He could not get into other United Nations meeting though. (Note to Readers - This makes sense if you read what a NGO can and cannot attend at their web site)

    It made sense to this former member of the Watchtower family that the WTS was interested in becoming an a NGO in the "Human Rights" field of the DPI. This would allow the WTS to monitor human rights activities around the world not only to be used for articles in their magazines, but primarily to see what to do and who to contact when JWs were being "persecuted" in different parts of the world.

    In addition the former member believed that this was a neat way for the WTS to keep tabs and feel the pulse of governments towards them. This would definitely assist the WTS in combating opposition (such as Kent and Randy) by working through UN human rights agencies.

    The former person who contacted me knew that WTS executives also had connections to the state department. This allowed WTS executives to know of persecution to JWs world wide.

    This former person who worked at Bethel who was in a very important role believes that, just as the Witnesses have teams to go into hospitals to condition and fool the medical community over their blood doctrine (eg. Hospital Information Service and Hospital Liaison Committee members), the Watchtower has set up and sends Specially trained witnesses into areas where they claim that JWs are having their human rights violated by not being recognized as a religion, etc.

    Just think, Specialized Witness men have personally contacted the European Human Rights Commission endeavoring to sway sentiment away from complaining ex-Jehovah's Witnesses such as Kent who have had their human rights violated by the Watchtower organization.

    And you can be certain that they would make a point of saying that they are an NGO who promotes the human rights aspects of the UN through the UN's DPI. Since the UN's DPI has to screen them and check them out, this would add a certain prestige and clout to any case over say a lowly ex-Jehovah's Witness.

    This really makes sense to me (hawk) now. The NGO is a prestige thing and not a money thing to combat the ex-jws and governments so they can be recognized as a religion and get the tax breaks. The WTS use it in these human rights cases etc. And I bet the farm the bastards even used it in that stupid Bulgaria case. I bet they used it in that Russian court case this year as well.

    I would like to take this opportunity and thank this person for informing me about the goings over the sexual affair between the WTS and the scarlet coloured wild beast for the last 10 years.

    Unbelievable. Just God damn unbelievable. How can one work in a writing department (with a special pass to the UN) and knowingly know that on one hand you are writing about the UN using the UN's own literature and then on the other write nasty articles about the UN being the beast. How on the one hand can witnesses still be in jail and not allowed to wave the God damn flag unless they want to lose Jehovah God and get shunned but on the other hand solicit the beast and then agree to promote the beast's ideas. God Damn people, God Damn!!!!


  • MadApostate


    Your comments about the Writing Staff member is why I suggest asking for the names of current and former MAIN REPRESENTATIVES and ALTERNATE REPS.

    Those are the only people who are given credentials to attend meetings and access UN info.

    Having those names may allow further tracing of activities.

  • hawkaw

    Mad Apostate,

    I already asked the UN representive if I could get something in writing confirming that the WTS was a NGO. That is when Mr. O had to go to the meeting. He kinda left it up in the air. I did find it strange that there is over 1,500 NGOs but the UN has not assigned them a unique number. We in the government assign unique numbers for any type of file so we can keep track of compamies, permits and licenses in our databases.

    I can confirm that the WTS as part of its application had to give a finanical statement to the UN along with other goodies. I strongly suspect we won't get that document. But I hope to get others.

    Your questions are exactly my thoughts as well. And I will incorporate your stuff. Thanks.

    Like I said I will blab a little with db and then "ROLL" on this matter.

    I work in one of the government organizations in Canada. When we get requests for information from the public we do release most of the material except we channel it through a Freedom of Information office. I suspect we may have to do it through the United Nations too. That will be no problem for me as I don't care telling them who I am or where I live.

    Stay tuned and keep the questions coming.


  • hawkaw

    Mad Apostate,

    I'm still reading through the stuff you presented but I have had to break and laugh out loud for a few minutes after reading this quote by the Watchtower representative:

    While Jehovah's Witnesses stay clear of politics and do not try to use religious influence to steer or control governments, this is not the case with many major and minor religions.

    And this WTS fellow said this in 1999, 8 years after the WTS solicited and agreed to pledge alligance to the United Nations and become a NGO.

    The whole thing is just unreal.


  • betweenworlds

    Hi there,

    I'm sorry if I'm asking a redundant question here. Can you be an NGO without being involved with the DPI? It is only when an NGO becomes associated with the DPI that is has to abide by the rules of the charter. Showed my husband last night that the WTBTS was an NGO and he was as sickened as I was! Although I don't know why anything surprises me anymore.

    If anyone can answer this thanks for your patience


    "The important thing is to not stop questioning" Albert Einstein

  • hawkaw

    Yes you are right.

    Go to the web site brochure

    ( http://www.un.org/MoreInfo/ngolink/brochure.htm

    You will note the following in paragraph 2:

    Over 1,500 NGOs with strong information .... to the United Nations are associated with the Department of Public Information (DPI), giving the United Nations valuable links to people around the world. DPI helps those NGOs gain access to and disseminate information about the range of issues in which the United Nations is involved, to enable the public to understand better the aims and objectives of the world Organization.

    So betweenworlds, the United Nations have given you a definition of what an NGO is. These groups can apply to become "assocated" with the DPI. Then the DPI, determines if they meet the NGO critera in support of the UN. Once met, the DPI distributes the information about the UN to the recognized (or accredited?) NGO and then the NGO is expected to distribute the information through brouchures and magazines (eg. the Awake!)to its members.

    Read the Criteria and Procedure an organization needs to become associated with the DPI. Its a real eye opener especially for a group like the Watchtower who tells the R & F "not to be part of this world".


  • MadApostate


    The label "NGO" simply stands for "non-government/al organization". It is self-defining- an organization that has no governmental ties. The definition that the UN places on its own use of the term "NGO" is found in some of the earlier posts to this thread.

    There are obviously thousands of "NGOs" in the world, but only about 2000 which have sought out and obtained a "formal relationship" with the United Nations.

    Keep in mind that the UN is an organization formed to bring together only "Governments" as "members".

    However, the UN also recognizes that "non-government organizations" play key roles in the world's goings-on. Since NGOs can't be "members", the UN has set up a system which establishes a "formal relationship" between the various UN Sections and those NGOs who have same/similar interests.

    The DPI Section of the UN uses such language as "association", "affiliation", and "partner". NGOs such as the Watchtower Society are said to have "associative status", which is exactly what other religious organizations have with the DPI. (Note that some other religious orgs also have NGO relationships with other UN Sections, which may require less or more involvement.)

    However you slice it, the WTS has an "established formal relationship" with what it refers to as the "scarlet-colored wild beast", WHICH MAKES THE WTS A MEMBER OF THE "GREAT HARLOT" CLASS, WHICH THE WTS LOVES TO DEPICT AS SITTING ON THE BACK OF THE BEAST.
    (see the Babylon the Great Book, page 577.)

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