The Wild Beast has both a Name & Number. Do you know what the NAME is?

by Schizm 368 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    I see all of this a bit differently.

    This cryptic puzzle demonstrates something rather clearly.

    Since nobody has ever correctly identified anybody using all their "intelligence" and their connection to Gawd Amighty it stands to reason that:

    1.This is meaningless drivel

    2.There are no "True" christians, channels of communication or go-betweens with special knowledge about things biblical

    3.Revelation is a game any idiot can play (and they all have---all through history).

    It seems most likely this little book of Revelation was one of a great many that floated about in history during Roman persecution and brought out the heebie jeebies in mystical minded people who had one foot in a dreamworld and the other foot on a banana peel.

    Revelation seems to attract crackpots and megalomaniacs especially. Every nutjob from C.T. Russell to David Koresh wrote extensively on "explanations".

    Who is crazier; the people who write the crap or the people who waste their lives trying to find "meaning" in it??


  • dorayakii
    Who gives a shite?

    You can't even spell "shit" correctly, man!

    ROFLMAO !!!

    OH you silly and ignorant person, it's probably wise not to make comments on someone's language use unless you are a linguist... you could get yourself in more trouble.

    The word "shite"/"shyte" is a bi-product of the Great Vowel Shift which occurred during the 14th and 15th centuries (1350-1500)*. As a consequence of the Great Vowel Shift and the fact that the Old English "shite" (pronounced 'shit-a' as if in an Italian accent) became a vulgar word during this time (due to the Norman conquest and the subsequent loss of prestige of English and the elevation of French words in status), most of the older pronunciations were lost in Standard Middle English, but were retained in some regional English dialects. This was the the case of Old English "shite", the two pronunciations ("shit", and "shyte") survived. This was probably due to the taboo nature of the word and a desire to find euphemisms or alternative pronunciations. "Shit" survived primarily in southern Standard English (and was passed on to American), and "shyte" thrived more in the North of England, Scotland and Ireland although "shit" was still the more common of the two. *This shift also produced the modern pronunciations of the words "mouse" and "mice". Before the shift, they had been pronounced somewhat like "moose" and "meese". (/moos/, /myys/)... Most American/Canadian accents are an exacerbation of old regional British/Irish accents. Therefore, the Candians pronounce "mouse" closer to the older form /moos/ ( Canadians pronounce it /mous/ as opposed to /maus/).

    n.b. Interestingly, the word "shit" is a very old Germanic one. It was originally spelt "scit", before the Anglo-Saxon and Norse languages split to go their different ways. In Anglo-Saxon words, the letter combination "sc" began to be pronounced "sh", but in Norse words, it remained "sk". When the Vikings and Danish invaded England, they brought back words with the "sk" pronunciation. Therefore the Norse give us "skirt", "skip" and "skull" to add to our native "shirt", "ship" and "shell", and with slightly different meanings, therefore enriching our vocabulary. In Swedish, (a descendant of the Norse language) "shit" is "skit"...
    Strangely enough, in Greek it is " skat", which is the origin of the word "scatology" the study of dung or filth... the study of shit...

    Interestingly, the word "eschatology" ("the study of the last days" pronounced 'e-scat-ology') is probably closely related...... So in view of the apparent etymology of the word, it really is a useless trying to figure out the name of the beast. It's akin to studying shit.

    (Wicked picture by the way Tetragod)

  • shark attack
    shark attack

    is it dubya

  • TD

    ....or some brand new load of dingo's kidneys....
    WooHoo! Another Douglas Adams fan....
  • Cellist

    I think the name of the beast is Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. All though, come to think of it, it could be the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • katiekitten

    This is really important.

    First of all SHYTE (shite) is a real word. I should know cos I use it all the time.

    Second of all, we ALL know that the name of the wild beast is BOB.

  • avishai

    Oh, this wasn't an Iron Maiden thread?

    Is'nt his neame Eddie?

  • one

    I see no need for God inspiring men to write so mysterious subjects from time to time.

    Revelation contrasts with the simple language of inmediatly previous writings and seemed to have a hard time to be included in the canon.

    btw jw state that after the first century the church became apostate and no more inspired writtings and miracles took place.

    So they accept a biblical canon approved by apostates, btw, where was de FDS?

  • watson

    First of all SHYTE (shite) is a real word. I should know cos I use it all the time.

    The word "shite" has class!

  • Hellrider

    That picture rocks, Avishai! If it wasn`t an Iron Maiden-thread, we can turn it into one. So, what`s your favorite Maiden-song? Mine is "Hallowed be thy naaaaame"!

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