What was your favorite thing about being a witness?

by dezpbem 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Smiles_Smiles

    There was a certain euphoria about being blind (and then the blinders came off )!!!

  • dedpoet

    I don't miss anything about being a jw. Sure, some of the social gatherings were good, but the ones I have now are better. The "friendships" I made were all conditional, unlike the ones I've made since. My favourite day as a jw was the day I left.

  • daystar

    Some of my favorite things about being a Witness when I was a Witness:

    1. Friends
    2. Get-togethers
    3. Believing I had The Truth

    Some of my favorite things now, in retrospect:

    1. Due to the meetings, etc. I learned to read at a high level at an early age.
    2. I developed a relatively high level of integrity.
    3. I developed a love of "Truth".
    4. By being a Witness, I have since learned to see some of the signs of manipulation and control.
    5. It gave me a model on which to contrast real friends with fake ones.
  • littlerockguy
    Around here the congregations got very restrictive about group parties, can't be too large, can't have alcohol, can't be the night before a meeting or field service, can't invite unbaptized people or "weak" JWs, etc., etc.

    That is exactly how it was when I was active, as well as standoff and cliqish. I dont know if I have a favorite thing about being a witness. I did meet some wonderful individuals (most not in the congregation I went to though); nevertheless I am happy to be off the watchtower hamster wheel!

  • Spectre

    Good topic. After thinking about it for all of two seconds, put me down in the nothing column.

  • greendawn

    There were some pretty girls at the kingdom hall and a nice spiritual and in fact anti GB annointed old brother. Otherwise there was nothing good to remember especially by way of social life.

  • twinflame

    I think I'll jump on Spectre's wagon:

    After thinking about it for all of two seconds, put me down in the nothing column.

    If there ever was anything, it's long forgotten and lost in the bad stuff.

  • daystar
    There were some pretty girls at the kingdom hall

    I can't believe I forgot to mention that! I can think back to a couple of them now and I think I still crush on them a bit... what if... maybe... they're ex-JW now too!

  • kls

    Gawd i hated it and really cannot think of one thing that even remotely was enjoyable.

    Oh Oh , i know one ,watching the elders get loaded with Jesus juice.

  • greendawn

    Daystar is that all you had, a couple of pretty girls? I can recall six or seven even after all these years, two of them were as stunning as any Hollywood actress. In fact I had filthy day dreams on all of them all of them, pretty and plain, single, engaged, and married.

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