More WT Propaganda: 10 Year Old Children Should Get Baptized!

by Oubliette 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    I just caught this in an upcoming Study article which will be "studied" in the congregations the week of 11/18-24/13:

    • He and his wife were elated when their eldest daughter, age ten, told them that she loved her parents, loved the brothers and sisters, and loved Jehovah very much. She said that she wanted to dedicate her life to Jehovah and get baptized. - WT, September 15, 2013, p.26, para. 17 - Emphasis added

    How lovely! Let's obligate young children to an irrevocable decision when they're too young to make an informed choice. If they ever change their minds then they will be summarily disfellowshipped and shunned by her own parents as well as all those loving "brothers and sisters."

    I've noticed an trend over the last few years to pressure children to get baptized at an ever younger age. Has anyone else noticed this?

    This is just one more identifying mark of a false religion. Indeed, from where I sit it looks more and more like a cult!

  • neverendingjourney

    My poor nephew got baptized this summer. He's 11.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Back in 1969 kids of 14 were ...

    People who were only just old enough to understand what was happening to the world in 1914 are now approaching seventy years of age. WT July 1st page 395

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Yearbook 2011 Page 58, Paola from Mexico gets baptised aged SEVEN.


  • 3rdgen

    Besides the obvious lifelong control baptism of young children produces, it also bumps up the numbers. Watchtower converts are hard to come by in this age of information. Getting dunked BEFORE the age of reason keeps the yearly stats from otherwise dropping and becoming discouraging to the rank and file.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    The great hypocrisy of the organization is that while it says dedication and baptism is the most important decision a person can make; and while it has even compared it to marriage, young minors are being permitted to make this weighty decision even though the civilized world recognizes that young minors are not competent to make such weighty decisions. Meanwhile, young adults are told by Watchtower to wait until they're older and more mature before entering into marriage. Of course, this hypocrisy serves the organization's purposes well. "Trap them while they're young and keep them single to slave for us without distraction, for as long as possible." seems to be the hidden motive at work.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Baptized at 10. Very highly likelyhood to be out before 20.

    When a person converts from other religion to JW and his family rejects him/her, The Watchtower calls this situation persecution. But if a young JW baptizes as a child, sees the light later and moves out, the expected rejection by other JW's is called a loving arrangement. Rejection after moving in is persecution and rejection after moving out is a loving arrangement. Nice!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    In a long civil war, as the adult soldiers are picked off, the teenagers are recruited to carry it on. Once the teenagers are killed off, the children are recruited. Google any civil war in Africa, such as the one in Sierra Leonne, for an example. This is what I see happening to the Wt. As they lose the adults who wake up and leave, they have to recruit younger and younger children of their own to keep up the numbers. How is this any better than infant baptism? At least an infant baptised Anglican (like me) or Catholic isn't held to that decision for life and shunned if it grows up and doesn't practice the religion.

  • braincleaned

    This cult makes me SICK! Baptisim is the most important decision of your life???
    More than marriage? More than choosing a career? Yet, KIDS CAN MAKE THAT DECISION???
    I get murder envies towards those punk-ass GB creeps!!!


  • OnTheWayOut

    This is one of the most obvious signs that Watchtower is a dangerous mind-control cult. When it suits them, teens are thinking with their emotions and hormones and not their brains. When it suits them, young people need to wait to get married, the second most important decision most make in their lives. When it suits them, kids might be sheltered from high school by keeping them in home school. When it suits them, young adults cannot be trusted to go off to live at college.

    But when it suits them, a person is spiritually mature sometimes as young as six years old, certainly by the time they are 15, they should know that they are ready to answer for themself as far as their service to Jehovah goes.

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