New Understanding of this Generation

by pronomono 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Splash

    Ok, let's work it out:

    20yr old, baptized and anointed in 1914. Lives to 80 so dies in 1974.

    Overlaps with 20yr old baptized and anointed in 1974. Lives to 80 so dies in 2034.

    This means that "this generation" stems from roughly 1894 to 2034 - 140 years long.

    We've still got 20yrs before arnageddon folks!


  • Oubliette

    That is complete and utter nonsense!


    1914 + 120 years ( Noah ) = 2034 Yeah, I can see them saying that in about 5 years.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    "You can't make this stuff up. :)"

    Evidently, you can!

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    I really wonder what some of the older sisters that do a lot of studying are thinking about these changes?

  • designs

    Theredeemer- 'two steaks' lol its crazy town.

  • DS211

    Im done man this is utter bollocks.....horseshite

  • DS211

    Serously this is worse than watching liverpool lose to united

  • OnTheWayOut

    Oh, I see this definitely building to a 2034 frenzy. (God limits the time to 120 years from 1914 to compare with the 120years limit for Noah's time before destruction.) At least I hope they are dumb enough to pursue that.

    We can recount when they said the 1914 generation had to be old enough to understand the sign, then that morphed into being born at all by 1914. So now they bring back the "old enough" part and the overlap being of those already anointed. But we also know this will morph into babies of 1914 overlapping their lives with babies of the last part of the generation.

    Truly - we know this.

  • exwhyzee

    So the title of Rutherfords talk back in 1925 should have been....Millions ,who aren't born yet, but will come to know millions who are now living... will never die.

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