Posts by Acts5v29

  • tor1500

    Does anyone think Jehovah is protecting the org. despite all the talk about THE ARC ?

    by tor1500 in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i've been thinking this for a while.

    even before the arc scandal.

    it seems no matter what, the org.

    1. umbertoecho
    2. tor1500
    3. Acts5v29
  • Acts5v29

    Do you think Jehovah is protecting the org. because if the ORG. would admit it many would just fall apart

    Just because they call themselves after the Creator, doesn't mean they will be protected, and just because they call themselves after the Creator does not mean they are the "one-true-religion" - just because a can is labelled "prime steak" does not mean it isn't really dog food.

    They rely on their chosen Name to repel all criticisms, but that is a sin they will have to answer for.

  • atomant

    List of reasons why the witnesses are wrong.

    by atomant in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    l thought it might be a good idea to have a quick reference post to remind people of the faults within the jw org.what do others think.


    1. cha ching
    2. the girl next door
    3. wheres caleb?
  • Acts5v29

    l thought it might be a good idea to have a quick reference post to remind people of the faults within the jw org.What do others think.?

    The most startling one is their century-long preaching of an imminent Armageddon.

    The 1st earthly event of the vision of Revelation has not yet taken place, so Armageddon cannot possibly be imminent.

  • Wonderment

    How credible are NWT's critiques?: Allin and John 8:58. (2)

    by Wonderment in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    how credible are nwt's critiques?

    : allin and john 8:58.a few weeks ago we had a discussion surrounding john 8.58. the posters in this forum offered various views in regards to jesus' divine role in scripture.

    occasionally, some scholars publish articles where they voice their opinion against the nwt theological renderings.

    1. Half banana
    2. Wonderment
    3. TTWSYF
  • Acts5v29

    They are indeed - but in all honesty I think the whole thing has a life of its own, and none of them an stop what it is doing. That's worrying!

    Take away the middle-man - whether he be Rome of Jerusalem or Brooklyn or Salt-Lake City - and you take away an immense blockage, just as our Lord described those who close the gates of the Kingdom to others yet do not go in themselves.

    Religions warn that evil spirits might divert those who are not guided by religion, but those approaching with a sincere heart will at least have a sincere heart - they have no free will if they follow a church. and their heart is placed in a box. Far far better to turn to God ourselves and let that sincere heart bring God's guidance than to relinquish all that it is to a third party.

  • stephanie61092

    Finally posting and I'm FRUSTRATED!!!

    by stephanie61092 in
    1. jw
    2. experiences

    okay, i'm about to engage in a major word vomit.

    just giving you fair warning as your time may be better spent somewhere else.. so, i'm sitting on my lunch break, bawling my eyes out, and writing on this forum to people i don't know yet probably have a great deal in common with but at the same time, used to scare the daylights out of me.

    for years, i would come across this forum and 'lurk' awhile if you will, or see things on youtube.

    1. pale.emperor
    2. Vanderhoven7
    3. VIII
  • Acts5v29

    An apostate is not someone who questions in sincerity, nor someone who has doubts, nor someone who expresses real concern over flaws in doctrine

    ... the flaws - and those who protect them - they are the apostasy. But to question is neither disloyal to God nor lacking faith - just how we learn, how we make sure of things.

    best wishes,


  • Simple Minds

    Where do I start telling a psychologist about the mental trauma I feel as a fading jw?

    by Simple Minds in
    1. watchtower
    2. medical

    i am on a pension, so i could not afford to pay for a psychologist, but my good doctor referred me to a free clinic for people on a low income, for my anxiety and depression, so i have finally got my first appointment with a psychologist since i started my fade, so where do i start trying to explain the mental trauma i feel as a fading jw?

    i would appreciate your advice.

    simple .

    1. KateWild
    2. KateWild
    3. blondie
  • Acts5v29

    Hi SImpleMinds,

    I feel for you, deeply. If your psychiatrist is any good at-all he will understand the horror you have felt, and the long-term trauma. They don't give much out in the way of expression though - more guidance of the debilitation - but the hand-holding of others who are in the same position will be very, very cathartic, and that will really strengthen you. Horror loses its power when we meet more and more who see through its veneer of innocence.

    X X X

  • lsw1961

    JW message becoming more and more relevant

    by lsw1961 in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    mans requirements are limited which can be satisfied with a little and tension-free endeavor..

    however man attempts not only to collect but also to grab and amass everything to the excess.

    somehow he feels that he can be happy only when he has in abundance whereas others have nothingwhich seems to be the thread that runs throughout the history.

    1. Caedes
    2. Acts5v29
    3. Vidiot
  • Acts5v29

    Even if they are wrong in some areas (which are natural when humans handle any situation), they are absolutely right in their Kingdom Message—the very cause they stand for.

    Are you quite sure about that?

    God’s role is not to ensure failure of the principle of cause and consequences. His role begins when mankind feels that they cannot go forward any more. That time is fast approaching!

    There is indeed an ending when Mankind feels that they cannot go forward anymore, but that statement could benefit with your clarification to remove its vagueness (so many prophecies are "fulfilled" by being vague enough to apply to anything).

    I expect we will disagree on what that ending will be - without cut-and-paste, would you like to elaborate and we can discuss it?

  • Wonderment

    How credible are NWT's critiques?: Allin and John 8:58. (2)

    by Wonderment in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    how credible are nwt's critiques?

    : allin and john 8:58.a few weeks ago we had a discussion surrounding john 8.58. the posters in this forum offered various views in regards to jesus' divine role in scripture.

    occasionally, some scholars publish articles where they voice their opinion against the nwt theological renderings.

    1. Half banana
    2. Wonderment
    3. TTWSYF
  • Acts5v29

    Acts5v29: The simple way out of this is to practice 1st Thessalonians 5 in loyalty to God rather than church, and especially with regard to the churches which say that to follow them is to follow God.


    I agree!


    ... that would include the watchtower...