It seems something happening to me too. Since my Enlightenment about the "Truth", I've been absorbed into many of the esoterical themes now "allowed" and have skimmed many authors, Castaneda being one of them. But now I want to deepen some of his writings. It's definitively funny to see how similar things come to happen when the same demistifying processes take place inside (almost very) different people. And I usually imagine all (former christian) women becoming raging pagan Witches...
JoinedPosts by TheItalian
Carlos Castaneda
by santacruzchick ini don't remember... but may have asked this a long while back.
is anyone here interested in or have any strong opinions of castaneda's books on the teachings of don juan matus?
i've always been deeply drawn to these books, even as a young child (my father, not a jw, introduced me to them and that type of "thinking" at an early age; though i often felt guilty reading them and thinking about the existence of the world in that manner since my mother raised me as a jw.
ITALY! Anyone know of any ex-jw's in that country!
by altom ini am trying to make contact with any ex-jws in italy.
can anyone help?
May I help you? I live in Rome.
A film about jw history - what would you call it?
by dedpoet ini f someone made a film about wt history, what do you think would be the best title?
i 'd probably go for "pulp fiction", but someones already used that.
a ny ideas?
The Phoneys (Ted Jaracz featuring a cruellest Sloth-like monster).
Ah! Thursday! Meeting Night!
by Nosferatu inafter i left the jws and moved out, it was weird having all these evenings to myself.
i think sunday was the easiest day to get used to without meetings.
it just made my weekend a bit longer.
I think I still have to get used. At first I thought I could be able to go out more in service... yet there were no bros free around. Then I realized I could sleep!
Ten months away from that hell and still recovering. By the way: I have my Special Ass-embly tomorrow!!!!!
New brother in here!
by defd inhey yall just wanted to say hi.
today is my 1st day here.
i hope this is a good site for jehovahs people.
NO, no, no!!! Please WAIT!! defd is a GOOD BROTHER in GOOD STANDING as we all here are!! Do not fall prey of Apostate Propaganda (tm)... or that wicked pagan practise of evoking names.."name calling" some would say..
New brother in here!
by defd inhey yall just wanted to say hi.
today is my 1st day here.
i hope this is a good site for jehovahs people.
You are right Country Girl. Tell us, good-single-mostly active brothers, your real name. And whether or not you are a Lady. [edited] And do not think I didn't recognize them, you cannot lie!!
New brother in here!
by defd inhey yall just wanted to say hi.
today is my 1st day here.
i hope this is a good site for jehovahs people.
It is Absolutely Impossible for you to leave this Board before you really succeed in making us Feel Encouraged by Christian Thoughts expressed by a Good Brother like the one you seem to be. PLEASE, Stay with us, although I cannot reply and talk to you as often as I would like. Stay and thanks for your enlightening Presence. I've been looking for years for a Guy as Smart as you.
Moreover you are becoming really Popular!!--And You All, Brothers & single Sisters, don't be too tough with our new fellow--
This is my official Hello!
by SMURF inwassup!.
i have been lurking on this website for about 2 years.
mainly i haven't posted because a lack of information technology at my house.
Finally a SMURF allowed among JWs (and not only..)!!!!! Welcome!
Italy: Man Threatens to Blow Self up at JW Meeting of 2,000
by blondie inman threatens to blow himself up in rome
26 february 2005 16:44
reports from the italian capital, rome, say an armed man has threatened to blow himself up in a hall where around 2,000 members of the jehovah's witnesses church are holding a meeting.
Some 5 km from my home, here in Rome; I have been growing in that Hall!! When I heard of the fact, blondie had already given notice. (Timely, thanks blondie!!!)
This morning at the meeting a brother-friend of mine told me how he knows him; Cicero declares himself to be "the Last True Anointed"; it's dfed since two months ago; something like he's gtetting around the city with drums proclaiming the truth to JWs.
He quietly introduced in the rear of the stage, gently threatening the attendants for making space, with his fake bomb-like wires. He requested to give an "announcement" at exactly 3:30 pm. Then he kept drolling for a while about "the end of the world", but I don't have first-hand informations on his exact words.
Wondering it will ever happen when I bring my mom to her assembly...bad, really bad signs, in my opinion, especially for those spineless Bethel-managers and the bored-scared brothers and sisters...
The force be with you - Corporate Globalism
by Satanus inor, is it global corporatism?
donald rumsfeld's idealogue writes book, explains some things.
is this the theory behind current us force?
Could you imagine? Meaning that someone is going to set "Weaporn of Mass Destruction?"
I thought War was a choice, not a fatal doom. By the side of US as well as that of other Huntington-like civilizations seeking "the Clash". (last one could be about music!!)