The force be with you - Corporate Globalism

by Satanus 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Or, is it global corporatism? Donald rumsfeld's idealogue writes book, explains some things. Is this the theory behind current us force?

    Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld has a "strategy guy" whose job is to teach this new way of warfare to high-level military officers from all branches of services and to top level CIA operatives. Thomas Barnett is a professor at the Navy War College in Rhode Island. He is author of the controversial book The Pentagon's New Map that identifies a "non-integrating gap" in the world that is resisting corporate globalization.

    In what Barnett calls a "Grand March of History"

    Grand march of history indeed. A little history. Prechristian empires were just flashes in the pan compared to what the romans built w christianity. Catholicism was used to forge the various european tribes into a more or less unified entity. However, capitalism was kept suppressed under this system. It took protestantism, which gave birth to calvinism to create the avaritious corporation.

    America was the soil in which the corporation passed from infancy to adolescence, and into adulthood. The original american establishment put heavy controls on the corporation, keeping it in the corral, so to speak. However, in the 19th century, it broke out, freed itself to have all the rights of a human individual. It took little time for it to turn the tables on its creators, fencing in it's makers. And there we are today.

    In what Barnett calls a "Grand March of History" he claims that the U.S. military must be transformed in order to preemptively take control of the gap, so the U.S. can "manage" the global distribution of resources, people, energy, and money.

    Barnett predicts that U.S. unilateralism will lead to the "inevitability
    of war." Referring to Hitler in a recent presentation, Barnett reminded his military audience that the Nazi leader never asked for permission before invading other countries. Thus, the end to multi-lateralism.

    Barnett argues that the days of arms talks and international treaties are over. "There is no secret where we are going," he says as he calls for a "new ordering principle" at the Department of Defense (DoD). Barnett maintains that as jobs move out of the U.S. the primary export product of the nation will be "security." Global energy demand will necessitate U.S. control of the oil producing regions. "We will be fighting in Central Africa in 20 years," Barnett predicts.

    In order to implement this new military vision," Barnett maintains that the U.S. military must move away from its often-competing mix of Air Force-Navy-Army-Marines toward two basic military services. One he names Leviathan, which he defines as the kick ass, wage war, special ops, and not under the purview of the international criminal court. Give us your angry, video game-playing 18-19 year olds, for the Leviathan force, Barnett says. Once a country is conquered by Leviathan, Barnett says the U.S. will have to have a second military force that he calls Systems Administration. This force he describes as the "proconsul" of the empire, boots on the ground, the police force to control the local populations. This group, Barnett says, "will never come home."

    BarnettĀ¹s plan is essentially underway today. New fast, flexible, and efficient projection forces with "lily pad" bases are now being developed for control of the gap. Over the next decade, the military will abandon 35% of the Cold War-era bases it uses abroad as it seeks to expand the network of bare-bones sites in the gap. The planned changes, once completed, will result in the most profound "reordering" of U.S. military forces overseas since the current global arrangements were set 50 years ago.
    Role of Space Technology

    The Bush administration is also exploring the possibility of expanding the emerging missile defense system into Eastern Europe as an element in the strategic containment of Russia, China and the Middle East. The Pentagon has been negotiating with Hungary, Romania, Poland and the Czech Republic about one or more of them hosting new missile defense bases. Oil-rich Iran is to be encircled by missile defense posts in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

    In order to pull all of this together the Pentagon claims it will need "a God's-eye view" of the world. A new "internet in the sky" is now being built for the wars of the future. Costing well over $200 billion, the new web would give war machines and military forces a common language, instantly emitting an encyclopedia of lethal information about all enemies.

    According to Art Cebrowski, director of the Pentagon's Office of Force Transformation, "What we are really talking about is a new theory of war." The military wants to know "everything of interest to us, all the time," says one Pentagon insider. Military intelligence including secret satellite surveillance covering most of the Earth will be posted on the war net and shared with troops. "The essence of net-centric warfare is our ability to deploy a war-fighting force anywhere, anytime. Information technology is the key to that."

    Thus U.S. military and economic control of the gap will be dependent on a system of networked computers. Fusing weapons, secret intelligence and soldiers in a global network what the military calls net-centric warfare will, they say, change the military in a way the Internet changed business and culture.

    Iraq is not the first holdout against this march of global capitalism. Nor is it the first to pay the price. The iraq war has served to bring this corporatist gospel more fully into the light/into action.


  • logansrun

    Interesting. Being raised an apocalypticist and then leaving because of the bullshit often causes one to think that "everything is really not so bad" and that the end of the world is not in sight. I disagree, and although I don't apply any metaphysical meaning to what I say I have no doubt that, as a species, we're fucked.


  • czarofmischief

    Even if it is true - which I am not granting - what is your objection to a stable American hegemony?


  • logansrun

    The Pax Romana didn't last either, Czar.


  • upside/down

    Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow.....

  • czarofmischief
    The Pax Romana didn't last either, Czar.

    Your point being?


  • Satanus


    Why would that future fuck humanity? As a species, we have been fighting since our beginning, probably more that we do now, on the average per capita.

    This process is a sort of harnessing, a further domesticating of human nature. Sure, it makes the corporate honchos obscenely rich, but look at the bigger picture. Besides, the stockhilders can control the corps, if they want.

    I'm ambivalent, just trying to undertsand wtf is going on. So, this isn't meant as a critique so much as putting into type what i see.


  • Satanus


    American hegemony may not last. Indications point to china as being on a collision course w usa interests. China is moving into africa, south america, canada and siberia for oil and natural resources. China has ten cities of a million each. That's a lot of man/woman power. And chinese are industrious, fairly smart, fairly well grounded and tough.


  • upside/down

    What's amazing is that for all the "b*tching" you hear of Americana taking over and why "everyone" hates it. That is the very thing many cultures are trying to emulate- AMERICANA. It's like a cancer cell, or rabbits in Australia, it just seems to be unstoppable. Elvis, Levi's, Big Macs, Chevy's, gluttonous life styles (hip hop/rappers)- the world can't get enough of what America wants to export. A shame in some circles of thought, a triumph in others. Either way the Americanization of the planet is happening and it will run it's course. The world seems, for the most part, to be saying "we can't beat them, so join them (or at least make a buck!).

    Isn't that the privelege of an Empire? If you don't like it you can alway rise up and establish your own empire (Genghis Kahn style).

    Most governments (all?) that have existed would never let us even HAVE the internet- it's too dangerous.

    Yet here we are, chatting away...


  • czarofmischief
    American hegemony may not last. Indications point to china as being on a collision course w usa interests. China is moving into africa, south america, canada and siberia for oil and natural resources. China has ten cities of a million each. That's a lot of man/woman power. And chinese are industrious, fairly smart, fairly well grounded and tough.

    Of course it MAY not last. A decisive conflict with China is no doubt in our future at some point, you are right. I am just curious as to the knee-jerk reaction that says, "American power is evil and must be stopped." I mean we are no worse than anybody else that is in a position to control the world, and better than quite a few, at least in terms of personal liberty, wealth production, etc. If we don't do it, somebody else WILL - like China.

    As to competition with China:

    I think that the hole in china's armor is it's attempt to overcontrol everything. For instance, they do not acknowledge AIDS as a problem among them, hence they are in real danger of sub-Saharan numbers in terms of casualties. (There are photographs of mass graves being dug and hidden to prevent public knowledge of the death rate) The numbers from Thailand and Bangladesh only confirm the presence of the epidemic among them. If they are still growing in ten years, then I've missed my mark completely, but people are STILL underestimating the plague of AIDS. The future wars in Africa will probably have no native populations to control - as whoever is left emigrates or is reduced to tribal living. I'm serious about this. The numbers of infection and mortality are staggering and still growing every year! Without a miracle cure or a cheap vaccine, the whole world is about to undergo another Black Death!

    Their economy is growing by leaps and bounds, but it is still way behind ours. And competition is what spurs America to greater heights. It took Sputnik, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11 to wake us from isolationist stupors, over and over. Without the Soviets, we have no reason to innovate. With no competitors, the capitalist system decays pretty rapidly. It'll be good for us. Unifying, for one thing.

    If we heard that China had reached Mars, we'd be shouting to go, for instance.


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