Posts by inbyathread

  • minimus

    Did YOU Ever "Stumble" Anyone? ....Anyone Ever "Stumble" You???

    by minimus in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    the elders and the organization always put us on alert to make sure we never "stumbled" anyone.

    of course, someone was always be counseled for this offense.

    1. Es
    2. EvilForce
    3. unbeliever
  • inbyathread

    I used to work for a brother but he didn't pay overtime. After looking at the labor laws I asked him about it and included the scripture about following Caesar's laws. He started paying overtime to all the employees who were all witnesses. The other employees did appreciate my bringing this to their attention.

  • inbyathread

    Another way to fleece the flock

    by inbyathread in
    1. watchtower
    2. scandals

    yes we all heard about the $8 million dollar co's health and car payment that the congregations are to pay.

    how about the yearly (or monthly) insurance premium that must be payed by the congregation to, you guessed it, the wtbts.

    the congregation pays to build the kh.

    1. FairMind
    2. blondie
    3. BluesBrother
  • inbyathread

    To No Apologies and all:

    Sure, technically the Society's name is not on the title but like blondie said. If the hall sells, the money goes to the parent corporation. If our hall got sold, (and it is payed for), I would not get one cent. The money would go to the society. If I sell my home, I payoff the loan and get to keep the profit.

    This is just another way to get money from the congregations. I don't agree with the idea that it is not about the money. It has everything to do about the money.

    The society boldly claims and announces that "No plate is passed" at meetings. Interested individuals like that. We like to keep our own money. If we want to provide some financial assistance to a cause we want to know that the money is being used properly. Yet we are seeing more letters of financial assistance that the congregation can be "priviledged" to care for.

    If we asked to see the financial records for a SA or DC we would be escorted out with a smile and a thought that we don't need to question the brothers as to how the money is being spent. They are appointed by Jehovah's Holy Spirit and would never error in the handling of the money.

    The society is based on technicalities. They infer much (1975) and when it doesn't happen, they can say that they never said it and blame everyone else as being spiritually weak.

    Sure they technically don't own the KH or maybe not even all the Assembly Halls but they have the power that controls the purse strings.

    Think for a minute about the new corporations that were announced a few years back. Why was that? To split the money around due to legal problems? Every large corporation does it. Keep loss to a minumum and prevent any legal liability.

    It's all about the money.

  • inbyathread

    Another way to fleece the flock

    by inbyathread in
    1. watchtower
    2. scandals

    yes we all heard about the $8 million dollar co's health and car payment that the congregations are to pay.

    how about the yearly (or monthly) insurance premium that must be payed by the congregation to, you guessed it, the wtbts.

    the congregation pays to build the kh.

    1. FairMind
    2. blondie
    3. BluesBrother
  • inbyathread

    Yes we all heard about the $8 Million dollar CO's Health and Car payment that the congregations are to pay. But think about this next one. How about the yearly (or monthly) insurance premium that must be payed by the congregation to, you guessed it, the WTBTS. The Congregation pays to build the KH. Hands the title to the Society. Pays the loan to the society, pays the interest to the society, pays for maintenance and repair costs and pays the insurance premium for a building they don't even own.

  • NoAnswers

    reverse a policy

    by NoAnswers in
    1. jw
    2. friends


    if the society changed a policy that was a disfelloshipment offence would brothers be reinstated right away?

    if so what policies if.. they were reverse could get any of you reinstated again ?

    1. ColdRedRain
    2. Honesty
    3. inbyathread
  • inbyathread

    A person is not Df'd because of a particular sin. It's the refusal to acknowledge the sin or to show remorse.

  • TheListener

    Thursday, May 5 Local Needs

    by TheListener in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible


    for those of you who still attend what was your local needs about?.

    ours was about getting more hours in the ministry.

    1. inbyathread
    2. sweet tee
    3. luna2
  • inbyathread

    Someone asked me to send this one in.

    "We got to see a movie.

    A Brother from NY (Bethel?) came and showed a Video of the Expansion Work at Patterson or Walkill. Where ever the new presses are. How so much work is being done. Of course we did get the commercial that this could not be done without the voluntary donations that are so lovingly given."

  • inbyathread

    Adam vs Jesus

    by inbyathread in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    new topic - maybe old topic revisited.. how about a list of simularities/differences between adam and jesus.

    wts states that jesus had to be equal to adam for his sacrifice to balance out adam's sin.


    1. inbyathread
    2. Leolaia
    3. Narkissos
  • inbyathread

    Thanks Tashawaa - Next anyone?... anyone?

  • inbyathread

    Adam vs Jesus

    by inbyathread in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    new topic - maybe old topic revisited.. how about a list of simularities/differences between adam and jesus.

    wts states that jesus had to be equal to adam for his sacrifice to balance out adam's sin.


    1. inbyathread
    2. Leolaia
    3. Narkissos
  • inbyathread

    New Topic - Maybe Old Topic Revisited.

    How about a list of simularities/differences between Adam and Jesus. WTS states that Jesus had to be equal to Adam for his sacrifice to balance out Adam's sin. Question. Was Jesus really equal to Adam?

    Adam - Married Jesus - Single

    Adam - Created Jesus - Born

    Adam - Short life Jesus - Unknown time frame with Jehovah

    Anymore out there?

  • dothemath

    #2 Talks

    by dothemath in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    brothers assigned #2 talks have no work to do at all as far as i can see.

    if you're even a moderately good reader, you could look over it for about 2 minutes ahead of time.. when someone doesn't show up for the reading, and another brother fills in "short notice", there really isn't any noticeable change in the talk, or how it's read.

    in other words, just about anyone could do it.. and then the counselor has to come up with terms about how well the brother read it.........etc., etc., etc.. the commendation is pretty much identical every week for this part.. the sisters have to do extensive research on their parts, but the younger brothers who don't do the #4 assignments have got it very easy..........for most, it's about a 5 min.

    1. A Paduan
    2. dothemath
    3. Golden Girl
  • inbyathread

    Fairmind: Even if you were assigned the #2 everytime it should be teaching you something. At the least (in the elders eyes) it teaches humility. Being humble and doing just what they ask each time will get you further in the organization than anything else. How can they expect you to follow WT direction if you have an attitude like that. And if you can't follow direction from the elders, obviously you are not loyal to them, or to the Society, or to the Faithful and Secreet Slave, or to Jesus, or to Jehovah. The number 4 talk is for serious students of the WTBTS. Teaching their doctrines and such. Keeping our thoughts and ideas out of the picture is the proper way to progress. (Rant over)

    Hope you don't take anything said here too seriously. The school can be beneficial if overseers used the school the way Jehovah intended it to and not for their own purposes.