Reminds me of the time one of the elders in our congregation (he was of the anointed no less) "cold cocked" his wife at the front door of the Kingdom Hall. This man was known for his temper and the treatment of his wife. She upset him and he turned and punched her a good one ...she fell back ...cleared the porch entirely and landed flat in the grass while all "witnessed" this in amazement!
Posts by Grif
Cops---Woman "Attacks Another at Church!
by Voyager incredit for this article goes to (debbie), at watchtower observer.
Is anyone on this forum disfellowshipped?
by Kimmee inand if you are do you care to tell why you are disfellowshipped?
for those who were not what prevented you from being disfellowshipped?
curious minds want to know.
I was disfellowshipped because one of the teenagers in the congregation saw me smoking a cigarette and he told his dad who was an elder. My husband was disfellowshipped at the same time....I guess it was determined that he should be disfellowshipped because of the association!
newbie seeking others thoughts
by brokenfairy inbasically i have been reading the bible lately & doing extensive research on the web and have come across many things in my search...any imput put on various scriptures or sites i would appreciate.... .
first of all i found more than a few religions that resemble the teaching of the jw' can they honestly say they are the only ones with the "truth"?
scriptures i came across in my studies this week (if you have any other translations of these same scriptures please quote them in ur response i have 2 kjvs as well as the nwt that i am using...thanks!
I replied to your post yesterday. For some reason I do not find my reply on this message board. Without going through my entire message again. I just want to say to you that we have all been in your "spot" at some time or another. Be patience and love yourself. It takes time to become "whole" again. If you are reaching out to God, He hears you and will guide you to a better place. ((Cyber hugs))
newbie seeking others thoughts
by brokenfairy inbasically i have been reading the bible lately & doing extensive research on the web and have come across many things in my search...any imput put on various scriptures or sites i would appreciate.... .
first of all i found more than a few religions that resemble the teaching of the jw' can they honestly say they are the only ones with the "truth"?
scriptures i came across in my studies this week (if you have any other translations of these same scriptures please quote them in ur response i have 2 kjvs as well as the nwt that i am using...thanks!
I am sending you a ((cyber hug)), Brokenfairy. I was once in the same place you are right now. I had disassociated myself from the congregation. I went to an elder that I though so much of asking for help spiritually. Only to be turned away. The next contact I received was notice that I was going to be disfellowshipped. Requesting a meeting with the elders pleading not to do this, I was disfellowshipped. Of course, this severed all contacts with friends. I was very alone, depressed and truely felt that I must have turned by back on God. And you know what your know the truth and be disfellowshipped is worse because never having believed at all. I wrote Bethel. I prayed almost constantly. I knew I still loved God and wanted him in my life...but didn't know where to turn. Though prayer and personal conviction, God open the door and showed me the way. Talk to the Bible says "seek and you shall find". Above all "trust" in the way. It takes a lot of time to recover from being a "witness". Be patient with yourself and love time all will be right. Only then will you appreciate having had to endure all that has come to you from the "organization".