Very few know even the basic doctrines of the Witnesses

by joelbear 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • joelbear

    After 131 years of preaching around the world. Its a losing battle. There are fewer people today in the US that know witness doctrine or what witnesses would call "the good news of the kingdom". No one I work with has ever even talked to a witness and this is in the most witnessed to country in the world except maybe St. Helena. W

    Witnesses have ignored the social changes that have taken place since 1960. Women in the workplace being the main one. They refuse to embrace technology to spread "the truth".

    The muslim, hindu and buddhist world are untouched, maybe 1% have heard witness doctrines.

    Matt. 24:14 says, i believe, this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth, and then the end will come. if all of the bible is true, then we are thousands of years away from the end.

  • defd

    They refuse to embrace technology to spread "the truth"

    We do have a website, We do phone witnessing. We use cd for dramas I could go on and on. You seemed to be misinformed about us. We use technology in the advancement of the Goodnews.

  • joelbear

    its not working

  • joelbear

    i am disfellowshipped. it is a disfellowshipping offense to have a spiritual discussion with me.

  • Finally-Free
    They refuse to embrace technology to spread "the truth".

    Yes, instead they continue to go from door to door knowing full well that most people are not home. I remember meeting many people who never heard of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    We're bombarded with all sorts of advertising every day through many mediums, but the JWs won't use these proven methods to spread their message. I suspect they use their ancient methods for 2 reasons:

    1. So they can corner vunerable people 2 on one.
    2. To keep their own members too busy to really investigate what they're involved in.


  • blondie

    joelbear, very few of the JWs know their basic doctrines which explains why they can't explain them to others. The WTS pushes having the Reasoning book in their book bags and to reach for it if someone has a question they can't answer (not the Bible of course).

    The WTS doesn't teach that every person has to be reached, just parts of places/groups.

    But how can God destroy people eternally who have even been "witnessed to" once?


    w00 1/15 p. 13 "Keep on the Watch" ***
    we see a global preaching work being accomplished, which Jesus said would take place just before the end of this system. Jesus stated: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.

    Yet the WTS says they are the only ones that have a preaching program that reaches "every individual."


    w94 2/15 p. 7 Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a Cult? ***
    More important, they are engaged in an educational program that has no comparison. How many religions have an organized system to pay personal visits to every individual in their community? Jehovah’s Witnesses do this in more than 200 lands and in more than 200 languages! Clearly, Jehovah’s Witnesses are "absorbed in humanity."

    Look how the WTS hedged their bets just before 1975.


    w74 6/1 p. 332 Good News for All Mankind ***
    Every individual may not be personally reached and spoken to before the Kingdom begins its undisputed rule over earth. But Jesus said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."—Matt. 24:14.
  • Finally-Free
    The WTS pushes having the Reasoning book in their book bags and to reach for it if someone has a question they can't answer (not the Bible of course).

    I remember many times we were encouraged to put the reasoning book to use, but I found it did more to turn the householders off. Many times when I used it the householder would ask me, "Why do you need that book? Don't you know what you believe?"


  • OldSoul

    Web sites do not generate their own traffic. Having one doesn't mean the world sees it. As for phone witnessing, I have done it, too. Just about as many not-at-homes as door-to-door, most people don't want to talk, and those who do would have talked at the door, too. Conversion rates are slipping dramatically in the US, and as joelbear mentioned the people might know we believe God's name is Jehovah.

    Actually, the innoculation campaigns of churches are more effective than the preaching campaigns of Witnesses. Most so called Christian church adherents believe JWs don't believe in Jesus or they think JWs believe he was just a good man/prophet (ala Islam). That JWs just believe Jesus is not a deity, should not be prayed to, is not everyone's mediator, and is subject to Jehovah means pretty much the same thing as disbelief to a trinitarian.

    Many people refer to us as the Watchtowers. That is because our publications are better known than our name. That is because we emphasize the publications more. That is because we are part of a false religion that says leaving the Organization = leaving Jehovah, which equates to the Organization = Jehovah. We put a manmade Organization in God's place.

    This Organization believes it is only accountable to itself and to Jehovah. They also believe they are the ones charged with interpretting Jehovah's will. That being the case, they are only accountable to themeselves and their interpretation of Jehovah's will. In other words, they are only accountable to themselves. They aren't even accountable to the standards they impose on others.


  • Finally-Free
    Many people refer to us as the Watchtowers.

    When I was a JW I heard many refer to us as "those Awake people". I also had many ask me, "Are you Jehovah?" One day I felt like being a smartass and answered, "No, he's in Brooklyn."


  • googlemagoogle

    "those Awake people"

    people here used to say "i'm already awake".

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