Raising money for a new KH

by TopHat 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • TopHat

    It makes more sense to me...That if the WTS actually owns the KH then the members should perhaps rent the hall, rather than pay for the building of the structure and the land it sits upon.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    For your own piece of mind you should check all links that are posted. We try our best to be through but don't just take our work. Do a bit of the homework in what we say.

    OK You might want to take a look at this thread

    The Best of... WTS Finances

    It is full of discussions about the various aspects of the WTS and its finances.

    This is one of the discussions in that part of the board and discusses the issue of the halls but take a look at some of the other links as well.

    WT Real Estate Scam! http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/35722/1.ashx

    Happy reading. and welcome to the board

  • TopHat

    Will do....Thanks

    I am reading so many threads my eyes hurt

  • blondie

    Tophat, actually until the 1950's, most congregations did rent space for the meetings from groups such as the Oddfellows. In fact the Bible Students which broke off from the WTS still mostly meet in rented facilities and private homes. The term "Kingdom Hall" was first used in 1935 applied to an assembly hall built in Hawaii.

    I think as the material prosperity of the JW congregations grew in the 50's more and more congregations built modest buildings to meet in. The Bible Students still want to emulate the way the early Christians met in small rented rooms (as the Lord's Evening Meal was held) or private homes.

    The cost of KHs today are a financial burdern for many JWs and I have begun to see congregations unable to accumulate the money to buy land, a prerequiste by the WTS before they will consider loaning money for a building. (that could have changed). Some congregations have even been told by the WTS to seek loans from commerical lenders rather than expect help from them.

    But in the end, the WTS holds the purse strings. There is no accounting for the money once it goes to the headquarters. There are no audits of these funds made available to the congregations like the reports that are given monthly from the platform in congregations.

    I have seen elders lie about the funds they have accumulated and the decisions made behind closed doors.

    As my husband says, if you don't like what the WTS is doing, vote with your pocketbook, refuse to give any money.


  • TopHat

    Blonde, When I left they, the WTS was talking about making apartments attached to the KH for the CO and his wife to stay in while visiting. The KH I went to was to small for any additions but was wondering if they are making apartments afixed to the new KHs?

  • blondie

    Tophat, I think the WTS put that idea on hold due to tax issues with the IRS. I don't know if they ever resolved them. The reason the Bethelites take a vow of poverty and are part of a "religious order" now is to circumvent being taxed on the allowance they receive and the value of the food and living space. It may be that the value of what the CO would have to normally pay in rent is taxable, and if they do pay rent, then the congregation might be liable for tax on that money.

    I have heard of people who were living in apartments connected with a KH had to move out.

    Has anyone else heard anything about this?


  • core

    Re the issue of CO flats attached to KHs - some 6 or so years ago the policy changed (in the UK) so that no more KHs would have flats build in them - I was told that this was for security reasons - attacks on the KH were expected and the CO wife would often be "home alone" and at risk

    The congs all took out Insurance with individual insurance companies prior to the 90s - then the congs were "encouraged" to stop this and send the money to the society to go in a pot to cover insurance for the entire globe - the reason given was that in some places in the UK and in many places in the world - congs could not get an insurer to cover the KH and with a worldwide contribution arrangement we could "level out" the cover arrangements. The result was that payouts for claims were discouraged and congs made to get by with minor repairs/clean ups after floods or whatever - the Society did have some re-insurance to cover itself but in reality the scheme was another way of getting money out of congs - at the time I questioned this and raised my concerns that elders could not have meetings in KHs without Public Liability Insurance - and assurances from the WTS that we need not worry etc would not cover us in court in case of any claim - as usual I was branded a troublemaker and lost some privileges in the circuit arrangement.

    Over time the circuit flat/circuit car/district car/circuit expenses all were used to raise more than would be needed to cover the costs involved - also around the same time congs were "encouraged" to change loans given the society (at nominal interest) to loans at NO interest - another dilema for elders who legally have an obligation to the charity (the cong) in which they serve and NOT the WTS - my complaints agin led to more grief for me and others of like mind

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    welcome TOP HAT!!!

  • TopHat

    Thank You INYBM

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