astrology and compatibility with your mate....a grain of truth???

by kid-A 46 Replies latest social entertainment

  • OldSoul


    The ex was secretly adopted and didn't know the real birthday. See? There is always a simple explanation .


  • FlyingHighNow

    You can't go just by someone's sunsign anyway. What is their rising sign? Where were each of the planets when they were born? You can be a Leo with a different rising sign. Your moon could be in libra and your venus in scorpio, etc. It's just too complex to chalk it all up to the sunsign. Try something interesting. Have your entire chart read and see if you if you think it accurately describes your personality. You can do that with your mate's chart as well. There are some sites on line that will give your chart for free. You need to know the time of your birth and the city you were born in.

  • rem

    Or better yet, look at several chart signs without knowing which one correlates to what birth time and decide which one describes you best. Then see if you picked the "predicted" chart.

    If the methodology is sound (double blind), I would expect a number of such experiments to pick the "correct" chart no better than by chance.


  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    If you want to know about the stars, it would be wise to ask an astronomer.

  • Robdar
    Or better yet, look at several chart signs without knowing which one correlates to what birth time and decide which one describes you best. Then see if you picked the "predicted" chart.

    Um, actually, I did that and decided that my ascendant is libra. When my friends did my chart, why my ascendant was Libra.

  • Robdar

    The ex was secretly adopted and didn't know the real birthday. See? There is always a simple explanation .


    LOL at Oldsoul. Robdar

  • rem


    Did you know which one corresponded to Libra before your friend did your chart? If so, that doesn't sound double-blind to me. In any case, even if the methodology is sound, the experiment has to be performed many times so you can get statistically significant figures.



  • Robdar


    Many years ago, I was at a friends house who really believed in astrology. I told her that I didn't believe in the stuff and thought it was so much nonsense because I am a Taurus but do not match the typical description. My friend suggested that it was because of my "ascendant". She said that my "ascendant" would describe my personality and sometimes it didn't match my "sun sign" of taurus . So, I looked through a book she had, reading the different descriptions and decided that Libra best matched my personality. When I got the chart as a present a few month later, I was surprised to see that my ascendant is libra. Probably just a coincidence though. Still, I decided that I would open my mind to the possibility of it all. However, I would never bet on it.

    Cheers back,

  • oldflame

    +I am not real big on astrology either. But I am a Aries on the cusp of Taurus and I have found over the years that I get along better with other people who are also Taurus. We click together very well. Why I do not know . I do not put my trust in charts and horoscopes but when you read the personalities traits of the signs you do find that most people are what the signs say they are.

  • Robdar

    Hi Oldflame!



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