Good News!!

by RichieRich 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Sounds like a step up. It should be much better than your last job.

  • TresHappy

    I worked at Target for 2 1/2 years several years ago. I enjoyed working for them. They are owned by Dayton Hudson and you can get discounts throughout all their stores. I spent all my part time money during my breaks!

  • Dimples

    Congrats on your new job Richie!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I had missed your earlier post about leaving the restaurant job. You did the right thing.

    You have grasped the truth that if you don't respect yourself and stand up for yourself, no one else is going to. Let the non-supportive chicken dicks run their restaurant like a ghetto hang out if they want, you won't be there.

    Onward and upward!

    In your earlier post, you mentioned that Cary Barber was asleep in tune with the world invisible during the Gilead graduation. That got me to thinking. We know that soon Brother Barber is going to be transformed into a mighty spirit creature with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal dead men. While it would be a bad thing - a wrong thing - to have a "dead pool" to take bets on when a man will die, what could be more appreciate of Jehovah's Glorious Eternal Plan than to celebrate the transformation of one of his dedicated servants? Shouldn't we have a "When Will Cary Barber 'launch*'" pool? What rich blessings will be bestowed on the person whose spiritual insight permits him to perceive the date of Brother Barber's magnificent transfiguration?

    Put me down for February 13th, 2006.

    May Jay Hovah keep pouring his blessings on your shoes, Richie.

    *everyone knows that the Watchtower cemetery is nick named "the launching pad", right?

    on the other hand... We know that Jehovah's chosen "revealer of secrets," the faithful slave, instills in it's adherents a proper respect for their conduct when seated at "Jehovah's table" - the meetings. That is why parents are counselled to take their inattentive youngsters into the cloak room and beat the living crap out of them - so that they too will appreciate the wonderful provisions made for us during these last days.
    Now, you might think that Cary Barber has been around long enough to know that it isn't polite to catch Zs or entrain his theta rhythms during a meeting. People have spent a lot of effort finding ways to say the same tired old blah-blah-blah in new and enticing ways.
    So I ask - would it be appropriate for someone to take Brother Barber into the cloak room and spank him? I'll bet Jaracz has a hard hand and a willingnes to use it.
    Or, consider this - by sleeping during he meetings, Brother barber may have sinned against the Holy Spirit. He may THINK he is anointed - he may TELLl everyone he is - but would a member of the Body of Christ show such disrespect for his husbandly owner? I think not. Maybe when Brother Barber dies he will simply rot in the ground like everyone else, having been unfaithful to his calling.
    That would leave an opening in next year's tally of the Memorial partakers. Will the count increment by one? We will watch in breathless an-tici-pa-tion...
  • BrendaCloutier

    Yay! Richie!

    Good for you. You will have better opportunities at Target than you had flipping chicken wings.

    Love and hugs

    Auntie Brenda

    PS. Yes, please do keep your shirt down, and tucked in. At least at work.

  • Atlantis


    Good show Richie! Be sure to take in all the new sights!

    dirty old man pictures

  • Country_Woman

    good luck

  • Honesty


  • RichieRich


    Everything went fine yesterday. The videos were boring as hell, and the paper work was lengthy.

    Also, when filling out a form, I noticed that my pay rate on the sheet was 25 cents higher than I had been told! I asked about it, and they were like, " ah, its only a quarter- not worth the time to change it." So props to me for making more money.

    They also gave us our training schedule. I work 27 hours this week, and 27 hours next week. So there is a GOOD paycheck coming right there.

    Today (sunday) was my first day. I went in at 7:30, and worked til 12:30. Sadly, I didn't go out in service yesterday, and wasn't able to today either. Oh yeah, and next week, I work through sunday's meeting, and saturday service. Too bad.

    I'm tired though- So I'll catch you guys later.

  • Bryan

    Good going Rich!

    It's always happy to people happy to get work!

    By the way... I love Target!


    Have You Seen My Mother

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