Limping on two opinions - mine and theirs!

by atypical 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • atypical

    Hello everybody. I have been lurking at these sites for a while and have finally decided to post. Forgive me for not wanting to give any clues as to my identity, but I am still struggling as a fence-sitter - knowing how I feel but not wanting to be cut off from my family and friends. So my meeting attendance is sporadic; when I go to the meetings I am told "I'm worried about you" or "where have you been, your wife has been coming by herself". I try to answer with a positive: "Why would you be worried about me? I'm doing great.", but of course that only seems to increase the curiosity.

    Just to give a run down, I was born into "the truth". I have been on several assembly parts, I pioneered for 3 and a half years, read the watchtower, gave impromptu's, etc, all before I was twenty. My change of thinking has been slow and a long time coming. I guess it started at pioneer school. I was asked to give prayer unexpectedly in front of the class, the two circuit overseers, and also the two service meetings which had joined us. After years of being on the platform, I suddenly broke down and had a severe panic attack. It was humiliating to say the least. I barely got through the prayer, and everyone acted kind of like they had just seen a freak show. To be fair, the one CO gave me a hug afterwards and told me I did a good job. From there on out, I started having the same problem, sometimes while trying to read the text at a service meeting, sometimes while trying to give a talk on the Ministry School. I eventually started avoiding any public speaking or reading. (Can you imagine doing this as an active JW?) Well, I pulled it off. I even kept pioneering while finding excuses to leave hundreds of service meetings when I thought I would be called on. I eventually dropped off the list when I just couldn't handle the pressure anymore. I also started drinking - only binging once in a while with my pioneer partner, but then slowly and steadily turning to alcohol to try to lessen my anxiety. I even tried having a few drinks before meetings so I could get through my responsibilities. It has been a long and destructive process. I have been told I didn't have enough faith, or I just needed to study more, or that I had a guilty conscience. Of course, it only showed me that I was not dealing with anyone who was qualified to speak on my problems. Eventually, I started wondering why I was having such trouble fitting in. I wondered how the one true organization could not have room for someone like me. I started purposely associating with ones who seemed to be avoided by the rest of the congregation. I got disciplined for eating publicly with one of my friends who was disfellowshipped.

    At this point, I am suffering from severe anxiety, to the point that I avoid any situation where I even feel like people are looking at me. I also struggle with my drinking problem, and I feel that I am losing the battle most of the time. As silly as it sounds, I am reluctant to make any permanent break with the group as a whole. I don't blame anyone for my problems; I think I am responsible for my own actions, but I can't help but wonder how many people have left feeling depressed and unhappy with themselves simply because they couldn't fit in to this particular and peculiar social setting. I plan to write more - right now it is late...

    I do appreciate all the posts I have read and the individuality I have seen on this board and others.

  • Ellie

    Hi Atypical, welcome to the board, I'm sure you will find lots of help and support here.

  • OldSoul

    Welcome (((atypical)))!!!

    If anyone can read Jesus' invitation in Matthew 11:28-30 and come away from it thinking, "Jesus had a mold in mind that everyone needs to be force fit into," you don't need that sort of person in your life. My two cents. It takes a lot of courage to step out of the shadows even to this small degree. I applaud that.

    Post to your heart's content, it wouldn't be the first time someone jumped in here and found that their anxiety was caused by never having vented their true self before. We have time and love to spare, so share all you want!


  • AlmostAtheist


    Unfortunately, you're not "atypical" at all! I also found myself very upset at meetings and all the activity surrounding them. I often felt like I was being squeezed, as if I would one day go POP and shoot out of the Kingdom Hall by force. I also found alcohol to be a coping strategy, if a poor one.

    The good news is that once I broke free from the Watchtower and allowed myself to think what I want without fear, the anxiety dropped away. I didn't feel the need to drink to feel better -- I already felt better!

    I hope you are able to work things out to allow yourself to get free as well.


  • vitty

    A very warm welcome to you.

  • ithinkisee

    Welcom Atypical .... I think you will find alot of comfort here.


  • Balsam


    Welcome to the boards. May I ask if you are feeling anxious even about non JW situations. Like on your job, does anxiety get in your way of proforming your job? The reason I ask is it could be that your problem is more generic and could be assisted by seeing a doctor. If it the anxiety is always about being a JW then your efforts to re-examine your faith is something that will help liberate you. Which ever it is you are very very welcome here. We have all had our struggles.

    I had a son to die as a result of an auto accident and his JW Dad of course refused blood to save his life. It threw our family into such a tail spin none of us knew if we would survive. My oldest son became suicidal and I had to get treatment for him. We still struggle but you know it is getting better. My son's and I left the JW's in time and their Dad remained which resulted in my divorce from him. Life is full of unexpected punches. I hope you can find comfort and hope here. You will find your strength again, and the need for alcohol will lessen. There are better treatements for anxiety than drinking yourself numb. See your doctor about it.


  • garybuss

    Welcome! I was bad at being a Witness. Soon after I was put on dirty street corners where the bums spit and dust blew with a magazine bag and being forced into confrontations at school by my Witness parents at 7 years old, I started stuttering. I tried the ministry school and grunted my way through one reading assignment and quit. I was called on during meetings and I'd have anxiety attacks. One of my HUGE fears as a meeting attender was being called on for prayer. I had an anxiety attack at every meeting that ended with prayer. I tried alcohol therapy, prescription drugs, prayer, Bible readings, and a shaman.

  • under74

    Welcome to JWD atypical. You're not alone. Glad you found your way here.

  • Rayvin

    Welcome to the board... I hope you find what you are looking for.

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