LOST-- "Are you Him?

by Rayvin 30 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Rayvin

    What was the question that he asked Loc?.. What is your take on the situation? Who is 'HIM?

    What was the Korean guy yelling when he was running from the woods??

  • Legolas

    I don't know who 'him' is!

    The guy was yelling 'others'!

  • daystar

    I'm guessing now that "Him" is Hurley since he would know the answer to "What did one snowman say to the other snowman?"

    "I smell carrots too."

  • luna2

    Lost is one of those shows that at first glance I thought I'd really like...and I sort of do, though I miss it a lot (just can't keep tv schedules straight). Mostly, (when I do catch it) I feel irritated at the constant mystery that feels like it will NEVER be solved. Reminds me of X-files in that way. Frustrates me no end. LOL

  • daystar

    I understand. I have a friend who feels much the same way. He refuses to watch mainly because when he has, he feels manipulated by the writers into watching each and every episode just to put the puzzle together. And he suspects that when the series gets cancelled, they will just slop together any old answer for us mindless lemmings who watch. My friend is very pessimistic. And I enjoy puzzles, riddles and mysteries much more than he does.

    The puzzle is slowly being unravelled though. I really enjoy the suspense.

  • Mulan

    Last night's episode made me mad. They replayed things we had already seen (about Mike and his son and their past), and the scene with Jack, Desmond, Kate and John, were all played at the end of last week's show and didn't go any further.


  • Terry
  • daystar


    Yeah, that frustrated me as well. The 40 or so minutes we saw could have been condensed very easily into 15.

  • alirobbi


    I couldn't figure out why they showed so many scenes that we had already seen either. They also ran commercials about every 7 mins. As I was sitting here watching it I found myself thinking, "They are just dragging things out so that they can make the series last longer by only giving us very little new info and lots of commercials. I did find one line very funny though. That was when michael was threatening Sawyer and Sawyer asked him "What are ya going to do? Splash me?"

  • Confession

    Luna2, isn't that interesting? Last night while watching "Lost," precisely the same thought entered my mind. About it seeming a little like "X-Files" in the way the mystery is so out of grasp.

    At first I thought Hurley was the key--with his experience with that number sequence. Then the little boy, Walt, and his "abilities." Then Locke--with his constant claims of heading toward his "destiny." But now the twist that has Jack meet up with the same guy he'd met while running on the bleachers years before...seems to suggest everyone of them has a reason for having been brought to the island.

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