Hey Everyone.

by Sam the Man 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    What a friendly place. Thanks guys!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi Sam, welcome to the board.

    It was nice to hear some of your story.

    Stick around for a while. You will find some good company here.


  • amen

    Welcome Sam the man!

    It's nice to hear your storie, if you have more let us know. I visited bethel once in NY and i knew i did not like the life there.

    It's good to know what's going on in the secret of the society.


  • TheListener

    Welcome Sam. I was at bethel myself. Didn't fight anyone but I wanted to at times.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hi Sam,

    Welcome to JWD. I enjoyed your post. The way you described going to Bethel made me think of youngsters who get married to get away from an unhappy home - only to find they are in another one!

    All the best -


  • Leolaia

    But Sam....are you sure you are really the man?

    Welcome aboard!

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Hi everyone. Yes, I am really the man! And I have a van. But all this is useless if my html doesnt show up properly!

    Glad to see there are other ex bethelites here. I knew that there would be...not many people come away from that experience without losing it.

  • prophesariah

    Sam Tne Man,


    It is so much easier after you take that first plunge. Yours was a perfect nose dive into the deep end . Post what you can, whenever you can. I'm sure it will be warmly received and, if need be, greatly supported. Wishing you success with enlightening your family in due time.


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