If anyone's curious...

by troucul 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • fairchild
    What about all the hurricanes that have occurred with regularity on the coastal regions of the U.S. for centuries waaaaaay before Iraq was occupied?

    Well, those were warnings from God.. "If you go to Iraq, this is what will happen".

    I couldn't sleep last night. God punished me for staying in bed too long yesterday morning.

  • SixofNine

    Fascinating glimpse, troucul. Thanks for sharing it. If there was a just God, the American instigators (as opposed to innocent citizens of Luisiana or soldiers who are just doing their job) of the Iraq war would now be dying painful deaths, that is for sure. But then again, if there was a just God, Saddam wouldn't have been allowed to abuse his people, Rumsfeld wouldn't have been allowed to play footsie with him a few short years ago... and on and on.

  • skyman

    And their GOD is doing such a good job protecting IRAQ

  • JH

    God protects Canada

  • juni

    Hi troucul!

    Thanks for your pm. It's good to hear from you - an accurate source - (not slanted media) what the feelings of the Iraqi people are. I truly don't feel that these natural disasters are signs from God or a punishment for certain people. There was an older sister at the Hall once that said to me after I had our little girl who had no health problems comparing her to another sister's little girl who did have health problems - "Isn't it amazing how Jehovah watches over those who are faithful." Mind you this other sister was a faithful sister in the org. too. I asked the older sister how she could ever think such a thing. This was a very unloving remark and she needed to think about what she had said. Can't remember the outcome as too many years ago.

    I just get sick to my stomach when I reflect back on so many unloving, judgmental remarks made to people. The Iraqi people need to be able to live in freedom and enjoy their lives on this earth. Will it ever happen? I really don't know.

    Thank you troucul for your part in this very complex issue. And sharing more about the Iraqi people's strong work ethic. Thinking of you and your wife as you serve the US. Love, Juni Breeze~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • jaffacake

    Who or what was God punishing 250 million years ago, when natural events on a much bigger scale destroyed 90% of the planet's marine life and about 70% of terrestrial life? That was way before the Ten Commandments...

    And what about the similar events most years in parts of the world in which the west shows little interest? These are more regular and more seious than what happens in the USA, but who in the west cares?

    And what about the terrible earthquakes in Iran and elsewhere in recent years? God punishing both sides - give me a break!

  • DevonMcBride
    Ah, yes. And the tsunami was god's "punishment" for... ?

    Good point. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country outside of the Middle East and they had the most deaths and damage from the Tsunami.

  • mkr32208

    Yeah, cursed got it...


  • troucul

    JH - The only thing I know about Canada is that everything west of Montreal sucks...If it wasn't for St Catherine's Street, I'd have no reason to go to Montreal either.

    alreadygone-nice tongue

    all these extremists can believe what they want. most aren't smart enough to rig up an IED, and they blow themselves up in the process. Happens everyday. They'll thin themselves out naturally.

    Celia-where have you been?

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