List everything you hate here....

by under74 61 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • under74

    Let it all out. There seems to be some people here blaming this on that and that on this. So, in the spirit of trying to clear the air and moving on I thought I'd start this post. I'll start......

    The Amish--because they won't defend themselves. They're never going to read this so I'm not hurting their feelings.

    GWB-Because he's an ass.

    The Neo-cons- Because they put Bush into office and they only care about themselves and their rich friends.

    Britany Spears and others like her. No talent wastes of space. That goes for the boys like her as well.

    Reality TV and those creating reality tv.---It's not reality and it's not worth watching.

    The Watchtower Society (could have been first on the list but fluff got in the way) all know why I dislike them.

    People that tell me "smoking kills" if I don't already know that. The last 4 people who gave me this line were very obese. Those 4 and myself as a smoker are going by slow suicide. I don't sit down by them while they're eating in a eating zone and call them fat....and it's not like I wave cigarette smoke in their faces. I'm polite. I try to stay away from non-smokers when I'm smoking.

    Shakers-Because they didn't have a plan.

    I'm not fond of Mormons...not trying to offend any mormons but the mormons I've met have been no better than the judgemental JWs I was brought up with....

    Matthew Barney--if you don't know his work...look him up. He sucks.


    Jack In The Box- how can they call that food??:

    I hate a lot more than that but that's what I can come up with now...

    You're turn....and let's keep this fair and clean...and if you think some of mine weren't fair (or don't detect humor) go ahead and call me out....but know you may be called out too

  • ballistic

    Apart from big spiders?

  • Legolas

    I'm with Ball...'Spiders'!

    Jack In The Box- how can they call that food??:

    Is that not a toy?...LOL

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Sorry, there's not enough room.

  • kls

    Oh yes ,spiders and flies. Also stupid drivers , the price of gas ,religious nuts trying to push their crap on me. I could go on and on and on.

  • damselfly

    Fellow students who don't show up to class, or spend it talking to the person next to them. They don't have a clue what's going on and then expect me to give up my lunch hour to teach it to them so they can pass the test.

    No, thanks you are responsible for yourself! That's why I got a 100% and you could only manage to spell your name right.


  • flower

    Hate? I dont know..that implies such strong emotion. Not very many people can generate that kind of emotion in me ...bush jr comes closer than most though, not because he screws us over so much but because he insults our intelligence by pretending to care and because he gives people what they need only when it to his personal advantage to do so.

  • damselfly

    I spiders.

    This is a wolf spider.



  • Quentin


    Fanatics... of any stripe


    ...that's what I hate...there are many things I don't like and to the best of my abilites and means attempt to change those things...

  • trevor


    Britany Spears and others like her. No talent wastes of space. That goes for the boys like her as well.

    I am afraid that I am a fan and consider her to be the worlds greatest talent. I feel an urge - to defend her tender name. She is proof to me that a God may exist after all. OK! She can’t sing but I have other plans for her of a non-oral nature!

    Under74 -please don't hate me for this but I am driven by forces that I don't fully understand.

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