Latest news about Pro-JW group on Myspace

by DevonMcBride 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bstndance
    Well, it looks like it's just up to us to start a new pro jw group on myspace, now is'nt it????


    Where in the bible does it say you can't make friends on the internet? That is such BS.

  • DannyHaszard
  • avishai

    Cool danny, but we said!!!!

  • Elsewhere
    Holy F***....Can't they SEE the control????

    Yes, they see the control and they respond to it the same way a person with low self esteme thinks that the harder you fck them in the ass the more you love them. JW: Harder! Harder! No, don't use the lube!!!

  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    I think that's the idea, RunningMan. Then they can say "The internet is full of worldly people, so you must avoid it."

  • gaybeat

    Aw this is sad, it makes me want to go make another myspace now in defense.

    This issue hasn't been brought up in our hall as of yet, there aren't much young people who like computers here. I think about 4 probably use it as much as i do. But i love myspace, i can pick out the boring guys from the cool ones.

    And i was looking through some of the Jw teens and I was wondering how they allowed their friends to curse in their comment boxes and have pictures of women wearing nearly nothing at all.

  • DevonMcBride

    So I went back to that Pro-JW site and you know what? All of the members swapped screennames so they can continue to discuss their wild get-togethers via Instant Message and e-mail. So the group will continue secretly without the Watchtower knowing. When the Society starts enforcing their rules, the Witnesses learn ways to get around it and not get caught.

  • Bstndance

    GayBeat - "I was wondering how they allowed their friends to curse in their comment boxes and have pictures of women wearing nearly nothing at all." I thought the same thing! I decided to do some corrupting of my own and posted on a few of the public groups. I feel so sad, some of these kids are 18-21 and their myspace profile quotes scriptures and WT.

  • jwfacts

    How sad, hope someone gets hold of him before he disappears into the JW machine for good.
    I'd never heard of myspace before, pretty amazing.

  • alreadygone

    You mean my husband doesn't love me?

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