Elders wives, are they more submissive?

by JH 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I know an elder (Hermann) who is so fat and out of shape that his wife has to mow the lawn and shovel the entrance. She also works hard inside to make his food and keep everything clean. He is 73 and she is 70.

    I wonder what verse he uses to make her do so much?

  • gaybeat

    Lol and if she had to wear a headdress while mowing the lawn, it would be hilarious

  • kwintestal

    JH, is she really any different then others in that age group? Maybe different from some, but not the majority.


  • Finally-Free

    Some are submissive, some are not. But there are plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize the JWs, so I don't see the need to stoop to the level of running them down for their weight or state of health. You can find overweight, unhealthy people in any segment of society.


  • lawrence

    Give me her number, I need my lawn mowed. I love to cook, so that's not an issue. Does she look good? Maybe she needs a vacation... She can give Kenneson a call and take him off the prophet soapbox.

  • JH

    That's true Kwin, my parents are in the same age group, and they aren't JW's, and my mom does so much compared to my dad around the house (in and out).

    I guess soon, the elder will make his wife shovel the snow off the roof...

  • Soledad
    JH, is she really any different then others in that age group?

    Good point, no this is not all that unusual

  • skinnyboy

    lol @ the head-dress thing!

    I wish my missus would mow the lawn! Shes's greek and i'd get a slap across the head if i asked her to do anything i couldn;t be bothered to do myself!

    It boils down to the interpretation they chose to beleive. As most men are arrogant pricks, they love the submissive wife, i personally hate that my self, treat my missus with equal respect, i get a lot more that way. See not rocket science is it!

  • JH

    Once, I remember, he asked her to tie his shoe because he had a hard time bending that low. Gee, he should go on a diet. I have nothing against fat people, but gee he is an elder, and disfellowships people for smoking.

  • Finally-Free

    Smoking is a choice. Obesity, while often an indicator of excessive caloric intake or too little exercise, can also be caused by other health issues. Are you acquainted with his medical history? Or are you speaking in ignorance?


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