Never Hire A Jehovah's Witness!

by Kent 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • JanH


    Any enterprising JW could apply for the position. When they don't get it they simply take your post quoted above to a workplace discrimination lawyer. They would make enough to pioneer for a couple years from that settlement!

    I am not an American. How much do you know about Norwegian law?

    Talking about being dumb.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • Kismet

    Not an expert on Norway in any fashion.

    But I assumed the Country believed in Human Rights and as a member country of the United Nations are bound under International Law regarding discrimination.

    Actual application of said legislation in Norway - added by edit is unknown to me.


    PS - I am not American either.

  • Gozz


    may be the problem you present is peculiar to Norway, and some other countries with laws such as are relevant to the points being discussed. In that case, a little accuracy will be appropriate. I'm talking about the kind of accuracy that exists in the essays you, AlanF and others have on the Internet. The general point of my post is that when what is factual is presented devoid of ambiguity and sensantionalism, there's the greater possibility for reaching out to lovers of truth. And that has been the way until quite recently.

    Now, you talk of an 'increase in risk' with respect to hiring a JW. That is okay; okay because you are aware of the risk with respect to the JW situation. But what about other religions? Take a look at the religions around you and say if you would be willing to subject adherrents of those religions to the same acidic scrutiny. The way you present the case, the JW at your workplace is misbehaving probably not because he is a JW, but because of the person he is, which may not be the doing of the Tower, and even if that is, it remains a personal flaw; he may not be representative of JWs in general. I fear for stereotyping, which is the direction some of the discussions are moving towards. It's somewhat obliquely related to what has been said to be the thinking pattern of those who have attempted to exterminate races simply for the question of race. It leaves a sad memory to demonize Jehovah's Witnesses. There are hardworking JWs out there who'll give their hearts to their employers. Why stir up general hatred because of a number of cases? Why?

  • MrMoe

    That is a terrible thing to say. What ever happened to our wanting freedom?? We are on this board because we chose freedom. Are not Jehovah's Witnesses loowed freedom? What type of terrible predjudiced attitude is that? I refuse now to answer to the Governing Body, just like a Jehovah's Witness has the right to object to something contradictary to thier person beliefs. Freedom of choice is just that, FREEDOM OF CHOICE-- if you agree with thier choice or not.

  • Kent

    You're definitely going over the edge with this campaign against Jehovah's Witnesses. What makes you think all JWs will do the things you allege? You break the rules of reasoning in this war.

    Where did I say that? I have posted axamples proving SOME JWs might do that, and that fact is something employers should know about.

    I take it you never did read the Watchtower Article "A Time To Talk", where "Mary" showed the perfect example as guided by the Watchtower. She would break her confidentiality, no matter if she was fired, or her employer got into serious legal problems because of her actions.

    My point is that it's stupid for anyone risking anything like that - and a JW MIGHT do such things.

    As for speculations OTHER religious people might do the same, as I noticed someone whined about, this board is about JWs - not others.

    It's fantastic how eager some people are to talk about how awaful it is to say a thing like I did. What's so bad about the truth?

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Eyebrow


    I had several jobs as a practicing witness, worked with other witnesses and never had any problems. When I interviewed as a waitress I explained upfront what I would and would not problems.

    I can I point out the several other jobs I have had are NOT low end jobs such as janitor, waitressing, etc. that many equate JWs with doing. It's not the religion you have to is the character of the person, and you cannot lump all JWs with the bad apples. I have worked with plenty of JW boobs as well, but no more than other boobs of different religions.

    I have to say that while that site has some interesting pieces, it is pretty useless. It is sooooo onesided against JWs I cannot take any of it seriously. And I consider myself an exJW.

    Just my two cents. =)

  • Prisca

    This type of tabloid journalism is an example of JW thinking.

    One JW is a bad employee, so therefore ALL JWs are bad employees! BLack and white thinking, or the promotion of such, at it's worst.

    As Kismet brought out, discrimination based on religion is not accepted, and can bring on huge fines for the employers involved. Such discrimination is not something to be encouraged, no matter how much a person hates the JWs.

  • jelly

    I have to agree with Prisca here. Not hiring someone based solely on their religion is just another form of prejudice. Maybe in other countries that behavior is tolerated but in America you will find your self facing legal action in short order.

    One of the things I always hated about the Org. was the us vs. them mentality.


  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    I doubt that the last few posters have been in management positions where dealing with JWs as employees was necessary. I have been, and believe me, Kent is correct.

    Those of you who say, not hiring a JW solely on the basis of religion is discrimination, are technically right. So, of course I would look for other reasons for not hiring a JW. 92% of all the JWs that worked for me, in the end, were “bad apples.” For me to knowingly hire a JW would be a serious disservice to my stock holders, clients, and customers and to their fellow employees. Therefore, I would fined other legitimate reasons to not hire a JW. The Al Capone example has been used many times on this board.

    Another area not discussed on this thread (or if so I missed it) is the view many will have that hiring a JW by another JW (or ex-JW) is often seen as favoritism: JWs hiring their buddies, and this can lead to resentment and the associated difficulties. Applicants not hired may have a discrimination case because they were passed over so as to make way for the boss’s JW buddy!

    All things considered, knowing what I do about JWs as employees, I WOULD NEVER KNOWINGLY HIRE A JW. Those of you who disagree with Kent should try it next time you are hiring and let us know how things turn out. It may take a couple of years or so to bring out the worst in this employee, but I can guarantee that you will be sorry more often than you will be pleased with your selection of a JW employee.

    Sam Beli

    I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind. What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted. Eccl 1:14, 15

  • Prisca

    Nevermind, I'll get abused no matter what I say around here.....

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